His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-07-08 15:16:28 UTC
On Sunday, July 7, 2013 5:12:22 PM UTC-7, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
There was an occasion when I driver spit in my face where I'd have used aI would like to come out with a machete to defend myself against mad
And I think I speak for all of us when I say we really wish you'd try it.drivers.
And he was wrong in blowing the horn trying to play vigilante where I was
legally riding a bicycle. I gave him the finger and he was adamant to beat
me up. It's not the kind of fun I look forward to.
A little courtesy goes a long way. In this example, "legally" riding your
bike in the middle of the lane, thus needlessly slowing down people, makes
you and other bicyclists look bad.
Now, had you moved over and let these folks get to where they were going,
you wouldn't have to worry about fingers or spit or horns or vigilantes.
Instead you decided to be a pain in the ass, and were rewarded for your
Try courtesy. It works miracles.
See, these engineers don't give a damn about writing a sentence that makes sense. The sidewalk is very narrow and riding a bicycle on it is very dangerous. So I was riding my bicycle to the right of the road and this beast comes out of nowhere and starts blowing the horn.
Then the bully sees a good opportunity to act his aggression and I become the next victim. It's often the case that bicyclists are the victims of aggression --which they may not act against their wives.
Again, I place the blame on our engineers rather than the bully. Now they have started placing bike lanes that don't connect and painting bikes on the road --sometimes right on blind curves.
In other words, the roads remain "no man's land" and I'm walking to minimize the conflict. I leave the machete home.