A perfectly tuned universe made just for us
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Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-02-08 06:38:28 UTC
Until then, all our cosmic eggs are in one basket.
I'd imagine we can spread out so far as to escape god's reach. I don't think he can control the whole universe. It would take him a zillion years at the speed of life to go from one end to the other.
Maybe different gods control different galaxies. That's more believable.
A perfectly tuned universe made just for us...


Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-02-08 14:59:33 UTC
The ONLY way to forestall the extinction of human beings is to spread us
through the solar system in preparation for spreading throughout the
galaxy after we've mastered the art and science of artificial
Until then, all our cosmic eggs are in one basket.
But that very process would also doom our species to
eventual extinction. The differences in the local gene
pools and environmental pressures would push local
populations of humanity to diverge and eventually speciate.
For comparison, look to homo sapiens as it is now: from
relatively homogenous beginnings on the African savannahs,
it took us only some tens of thousands of years to diverge
notably, both in apperance and genetics. Ergo, spreading
humanity into places with vastly different radiation levels,
general environment and gravity will result in the effective
end of the species as a whole.
I don't see how the evolution of our species into another species on
another heavenly body would end our species on Earth. ISTM that the
development of another, sister, species would only strengthen our
chances of one of us surviving a catastrophe on one or the other of the
Like I said, we already have our sister cockroaches diverging into a thousand subspecies. They are better equipped for survival because god (Lord Cockroach) gave them everything.
I for one welcome our new Lunar overlords!

It won't change anything. Perhaps they'll accelerate the rate of environmental destruction, but nothing good and promising of having Lunar overlords.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-02-08 20:11:50 UTC
I'd imagine we can spread out so far as to escape god's reach. I don't think he can control the whole universe. It would take him a zillion years at the speed of life to go from one end to the other.
How many zeros in a zillion?
It would blow your mind.
I don't know, Luke, I can IMAGINE quite a bit.
Well, this is like a zillion zillions.

The minute you say a number, you find the universe is even bigger.

But I can you tell something: Based on past experiences, when the Christians find life they'll try to enslave it.

The conquered the West in what, half a century? It would take them a zillion years to control the universe.
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