Jesus would have been a hippie, not a Christian
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Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-05-31 18:41:08 UTC
El 30/05/15 a las 19:24, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
El 30/05/15 a las 07:51, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
That's the harmless part. But they tend to pray for peace and vote for war.
They are not the harmless hippies.
It's a pity that tibetans joined the arms to defend their theocracy.
What Tibetans? Oh the Tibetans! Right, religion is often mixed with cultural identity.
But I prefer food as symbol of identity.
It's ok for me. You can reach me at the Coca-cola email.
Or if that is overcrowded, in
but I apologize for the inexactitude of the adjectivation of the taste.
Where are you?
There's plenty of fabada here. This is the capital of Latin America.

I suggest all hippie parties be celebrated in the woods. Churches are dark and stuffy. Weed? Of course!
I just wanted to say this before I go home and fall into deep meditation: Jesus would have been a hippie, not a Christian.


"The jungle has never been this much fun!"

Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-06-01 15:05:39 UTC
Well, there's some pretty suggestive comments about Salome too, not clear if she's the same Salome that was Mary Magdela's sister...
Thomas 61
Jesus said: "Two will rest on a bed. The one will die, the other will live." Salome said: "(So) who are you, man? You have gotten a place on my couch as a <stranger> and you have eaten from my table." Jesus said to her: "I am he who comes from the one who is (always) the same. I was given some of that which is my Father's.""I am your disciple!""Therefore I say: If someone becomes <like> (God), he will become full of light. But if he becomes one, separated (from God), he will become full of darkness." (c) Patterson-Robinson
Regardless, the women always get it, and the men rarely do.
Nah, she was Jesus' woman. In that whole discussion, they leave out the strongest evidence, what the Gospel of Thomas, by far the oldest, says. One saying gives women full equality, but then there's this one, with pieces and parts found elsewhere in Thomas and the Christian Gospels mostly. It's cobbled together by the author of Thomas (Thomas) to tell us something and it would make a Freudian light up like a christmas tree, "naked...Master of her house...gird your loins...when the fruit was ripe, he came quickly with his sickle in hand and harvested it..." I mean reallly. Do we need Ziggy Freud to interpret that? And that he was the master of her house is explicit...
Thomas 21
Mary said to Jesus: "Whom are your disciples like?" He said: "They are like servants who are entrusted with a field that is not theirs. When the owners of the field arrive, they will say: 'Let us have our field.' (But) they are naked in their presence so as to let them have it (and thus) to give them their field.""That is why I say: 'When the master of the house learns that the thief is about to come, he will be on guard before he comes (and) will not let him break into his house, his domain, to carry away his possessions.' (But) you, be on guard against the world! Gird your loins with great strength, so that the robbers will not find a way to get to you." "For the necessities for which you wait (with longing) will be found. There ought to be a wise person among you! When the fruit was ripe, he came quickly with his sickle in his hand, (and) he harvested it. Whoever has ears to hear should hear." (c) Patterson-Robinson
I guess he would be into the free love thing. Weed too, of course.
Perhaps Jesus would have been a woman after all.
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Genetics seem to prove that Jesus was indeed a woman!

Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-06-02 14:27:14 UTC
Fishermen tales, the virgin birth... It could all be true! It turns out virgin fish are being born in Florida, documented by scientists! 🐠
And then the symbol of Jesus is fish. Does it mean the Christians pioneered in genetic research? Oh we still have to reconcile that virgin births only give girls. Was Jesus a she?
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