His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-29 16:19:19 UTC
That one day, in the next 50 years, man will be eating man if we don't stop population growth...
Is that something religion is trying to address? Will that prove to be the ultimate evil? Will we be multiplying out of control while wiping out whole ecosystems?
"Ecologically-minded Christians need not take offense, but there's a common correlation between fundamentalism and indifference, or even disdain, toward nature. Creationists who take the following passage literally can't see Man (in evolutionary terms) as part of a larger system that doesn't grant special privileges to humans."
Then I woke up and was all sweaty.
Is that something religion is trying to address? Will that prove to be the ultimate evil? Will we be multiplying out of control while wiping out whole ecosystems?
"Ecologically-minded Christians need not take offense, but there's a common correlation between fundamentalism and indifference, or even disdain, toward nature. Creationists who take the following passage literally can't see Man (in evolutionary terms) as part of a larger system that doesn't grant special privileges to humans."
Then I woke up and was all sweaty.