On Mon, 16 Sep 2013 11:26:42 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
Yeah, but then there's the issue of the animals eating each other, right? That represents
a logistic nightmare similar to a floating zoo. Have you ever seen a floating zoo?
I'm sure Yaweh took care of that ... put 'em all on
diet pills or something :-)
Oh, and induced severe constipation ...
Dunno what was done about the animals in Australia
and the Americas ..... certainly couldn't walk to Iraq
to catch the boat.
The whole "ark" story is SO riddled with logical and
logistical holes that you'd think only the termites
were saved. Yet the faithful still *believe* ... even
wander around the hills looking for bits of this boat.
Show what too much "belief" will do to the old IQ.
And finally, a global FLOOD ??? Yaweh the all-powerful
coulda simply *wished* everything dead on the spot
instead of finding more water than exists on the earth
to drown everything.
Of course there WERE great floods - likely wiped out
rather large areas too. Came about 12,000 years ago
when the glaciers melted. Great torrents dozens of
miles wide washing down, and the sea came up nearly
300 feet in just 1000 years or so. That kind of stuff
would make a definite IMPRESSION ... stories that
would last 12,000 years in various forms.
To the locals, who probably were born and died
within 20 miles of the same place at the time,
these floods really WOULD have seemed to
encompass the whole world. Add the "fish story"
embellishments for few thousand years and
you get .... well ... "arks" and stuff.
There was just enough civilization 12,000 years ago
to keep these tales alive. The end of the preceeding
ice age was about 135,000 years ago ; and while
there were modern-type people back then too they
were small nomadic groups. Any flood tales would
have mutated and dissipated in the 120,000 years
that followed. No 'civilization', no writing, no sense
of history. So far, there are no sure signs of
interglacial human civilizations or advanced
neanderthal civilizations at all ...
Kinda sad really, that's nearly 200,000 years of
human history that never got recorded. What
WERE they doing for all that time ? Wandering
around randomly and trying to fornicate faster
than the large beasties could eat them ? The
genetic record suggests a lot of wandering,
lots of almost-human groups blending into the
more uniform product of today.
You may imagine a boat 20 stories high, carefully packed so it wouldn't tip, the food that went with it, the water needed to flood everything, but nothing compares to the fact that the animals would try to eat each other. Perhaps they did. Perhaps 90% of the species was lost.
Here's another Christian nightmare they can explain away through the ark. Since it's documented by the archaeological record that so many species came before us, they can say they were eaten by other animals or drowned where appropriate. Of course, fish don't drown, but they are rather eaten by bigger fish.
Imagine an alligator in close quarters with the sheep. He would eat one, and the whole species would be lost. Luckily for them, the sheep survived.