Will Climate Change Destroy New York City? Yes!
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-20 17:49:15 UTC
"The city of New York — America's largest metropolis and home to over
8 million people — will be ravaged by the effects of climate change
within a few years."

Now a panel of experts agree with me --modesty aside-- when I said
last year --before the hurricane-- that while North Carolina --or
maybe it was South Carolina-- banned climate change --officially
banned from political discussions-- NYC --the Big Apple, the city that
doesn't sleep-- would be swallowed by the ocean. And I said it from
the vantage point of upstate New York, something that turned out a
Paradise at first, until I found out that there was nothing to do --
not even hiking!-- and that I needed a car to go anywhere. That's the
problem in the West --or at least in America-- that you need a car or
you stay in the cage watching TV or getting drunk perhaps. Anyway,
nobody's safe from Climate Change and the people who often contribute
the least to pollution --those who may walk, ride a bike or use public
transportation-- go underwater first. I'm thinking in terms of the
Netherlands and NYC, which funny thing was founded they Dutch. Well,
Miami Beach is waiting for a big hurricane to be swept away and nobody
contributes more to pollution. Now nobody can stop this and we are all
in danger. Who will we blame in the end --nobody, we all, the leaders,
Republicans, the corporations, or we pick nations in particular-- and
does it really matter?


I gave up my cycling in order to survive, but I humbly walk, and do my
noise on the Internet. Well, sometimes I drive too.

We are all in deep shit, thank you!


His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-22 19:54:29 UTC
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher" wrote in
"The city of New York — America's largest metropolis and home to over
8 million people — will be ravaged by the effects of climate change
within a few years."
Three cheers for Climate Change!
Go Go Go!
Yeah, I think Conservatives --as opposed to Liberals-- hate NYC and all it stands for. Once the city that doesn't sleep --and where you can walk-- goes underwater, Texas will become the most important power center and you know what party that represents --fill in the blank. The land of George and SUVs will rule and the NY Times, the Rockefellers, and Wall Street will be gone.
It's two different lifestyles clashing, a battle of good vs. evil, so to speak.
In any case our own wasteful ways and greed can accomplish what bin Laden could never dream of.

Don't get me wrong though. Capitalism has a great capacity to capitalize on disasters and the Real Estate Industry will recover from the doldrums. Another great opportunity for PREDATORY CAPITALISM!