His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-20 17:49:15 UTC
"The city of New York — America's largest metropolis and home to over
8 million people — will be ravaged by the effects of climate change
within a few years."
Now a panel of experts agree with me --modesty aside-- when I said
last year --before the hurricane-- that while North Carolina --or
maybe it was South Carolina-- banned climate change --officially
banned from political discussions-- NYC --the Big Apple, the city that
doesn't sleep-- would be swallowed by the ocean. And I said it from
the vantage point of upstate New York, something that turned out a
Paradise at first, until I found out that there was nothing to do --
not even hiking!-- and that I needed a car to go anywhere. That's the
problem in the West --or at least in America-- that you need a car or
you stay in the cage watching TV or getting drunk perhaps. Anyway,
nobody's safe from Climate Change and the people who often contribute
the least to pollution --those who may walk, ride a bike or use public
transportation-- go underwater first. I'm thinking in terms of the
Netherlands and NYC, which funny thing was founded they Dutch. Well,
Miami Beach is waiting for a big hurricane to be swept away and nobody
contributes more to pollution. Now nobody can stop this and we are all
in danger. Who will we blame in the end --nobody, we all, the leaders,
Republicans, the corporations, or we pick nations in particular-- and
does it really matter?
I gave up my cycling in order to survive, but I humbly walk, and do my
noise on the Internet. Well, sometimes I drive too.
We are all in deep shit, thank you!
8 million people — will be ravaged by the effects of climate change
within a few years."
Now a panel of experts agree with me --modesty aside-- when I said
last year --before the hurricane-- that while North Carolina --or
maybe it was South Carolina-- banned climate change --officially
banned from political discussions-- NYC --the Big Apple, the city that
doesn't sleep-- would be swallowed by the ocean. And I said it from
the vantage point of upstate New York, something that turned out a
Paradise at first, until I found out that there was nothing to do --
not even hiking!-- and that I needed a car to go anywhere. That's the
problem in the West --or at least in America-- that you need a car or
you stay in the cage watching TV or getting drunk perhaps. Anyway,
nobody's safe from Climate Change and the people who often contribute
the least to pollution --those who may walk, ride a bike or use public
transportation-- go underwater first. I'm thinking in terms of the
Netherlands and NYC, which funny thing was founded they Dutch. Well,
Miami Beach is waiting for a big hurricane to be swept away and nobody
contributes more to pollution. Now nobody can stop this and we are all
in danger. Who will we blame in the end --nobody, we all, the leaders,
Republicans, the corporations, or we pick nations in particular-- and
does it really matter?
I gave up my cycling in order to survive, but I humbly walk, and do my
noise on the Internet. Well, sometimes I drive too.
We are all in deep shit, thank you!