I suffered form PTSD from riding a bike, and now I'm recovering slowly --at the speed of walking
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-07-20 15:57:32 UTC
I think there's some kind of heeling in walking. It's like you are not part of the rat race any more. Riding a bike made me much more the target of aggression. Perhaps the driver pities the pedestrian enough to give him/her room. The picture on a bike is different. You can be serious competition and there's nothing that the predator hates more than competition. You know lions eat smaller cats, not to eat them, but to avoid competition?

Who says that Nature is not wise and that we are not animals?


His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-07-20 22:37:36 UTC
That's capitalism. All they care about is selling
you the gun and then you are on your own, making life
and death decisions in a split second. In the jungle,
the saying goes, you shoot first and ask questions later.
And bicycles. Same thing for bicycles. They'll sell
one to any incompetent asshole and take no responsibility
for the outcome. Generally, they don't even include
mandatory lessons in the sale price.
Many cyclists are confrontational on the road, and also take a lot of
risks that sometimes startle drivers who then slam on their brakes or
try to swerve to avoid them, resulting in collisions. Of course the
cyclist disappears out of sight in a matter of seconds and doesn't
bother to come back to check if everyone involved in the collision they
just caused is in need of assistance.
Indeed there are many responsible cyclists too, but unfortunately they
all get "painted with the same brush" by motorists who've had multiple
dangerous encounters with aggressive cyclists.
There are dangerous bicyclists but for the most part dangerous drivers are more dangerous (it's a matter of physics). Many drivers around here hit a cyclist or pedestrian and don't even bother to pick him up.

What I propose is that cyclists predictably TAKE THE LANE and let the driver overtake on the next lane. It means more visibility and less chance for conflict.


They sell you the bicycle and the gun, and there's no rules of engagement so to speak. The police doesn't even know where you belong but the bicycle does NOT belong on the sidewalk.