Do you like the idea of the Sunday Assembly?
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Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2014-12-13 19:45:14 UTC
How about "Free Spirit Community"...
Isn't it a better name than the "Sunday Assembly" created in England? I think the idea is great but it's missing the punch to compete with mainstream religion.
And how about if we want to get together on Tuesday? Sundays are sacred for me. ;)
Sundays are for sleeping in, big breakfasts and watching old movies.
The question is what are we going to do there. Listen to a preacher, pray? No way!!!

We are free from all that. I think we should have chips and beer, followed by a good BBQ. Then we say thank you to the Banana Goddess for all the abundance and fun. By the way, the Potato Goddess belongs to a different denomination, or we may agree to disagree. We shouldn't be putting down one another like the Christians.

Very important, to give it class and meaning, we should be reading passages from 'The Origin of the Species.'
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-12-14 16:46:32 UTC
How about "Free Spirit Community"...
Isn't it a better name than the "Sunday Assembly" created in England? I think the idea is great but it's missing the punch to compete with mainstream religion.
And how about if we want to get together on Tuesday? Sundays are sacred for me. ;)
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"
The day will come when protestants and Catholics will shake hands and pass a Sunday law. if you take that law you receive the mark of the beast and receive a sore. And definitely lose your eternal life.
The fate of Jesus was to bring more conflict and division than ever before. All in his name.
As the titanic sank conflict and division was avoided and people sank as life boats remained empty.
So conflict and war is the solution to the Titanic sinking?

I thought you would say something like "prayers would have saved the Titanic."