His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-20 17:26:29 UTC
Most projections I've seen is that the worst effects of Climate Change will be felt by the middle of the century. And that's good news and bad news. Good news for you, bad news for the kids. Yes, you may hide your whole life and still not feel the full effects. And once you are dead, who cares!?
That's why I say this is the "battle of good vs. evil," not to be confused with Armageddon. We know the "real bad people" are the polluters, not the nonbelievers. Would you pass this message to the kids? I see, you don't want them to realize who you are. In this sense you a nonbeliever as well, a nonbeliever in Climate Change, so you can keep your comfortable life without ever trying to walk or ride a bike in your community.
But I'm praying to the Banana Goddess for a happy outcome. And she says to me, "Hey keep riding that bike, you idiot!" And I say, "Would you protect me?" and she doesn't answer.
Anyway when was the last time you saw a kid riding a bike in your community?
That's why I say this is the "battle of good vs. evil," not to be confused with Armageddon. We know the "real bad people" are the polluters, not the nonbelievers. Would you pass this message to the kids? I see, you don't want them to realize who you are. In this sense you a nonbeliever as well, a nonbeliever in Climate Change, so you can keep your comfortable life without ever trying to walk or ride a bike in your community.
But I'm praying to the Banana Goddess for a happy outcome. And she says to me, "Hey keep riding that bike, you idiot!" And I say, "Would you protect me?" and she doesn't answer.
Anyway when was the last time you saw a kid riding a bike in your community?