You don't have to worry about Climate Change, your kids must worry about it
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-20 17:26:29 UTC
Most projections I've seen is that the worst effects of Climate Change will be felt by the middle of the century. And that's good news and bad news. Good news for you, bad news for the kids. Yes, you may hide your whole life and still not feel the full effects. And once you are dead, who cares!?

That's why I say this is the "battle of good vs. evil," not to be confused with Armageddon. We know the "real bad people" are the polluters, not the nonbelievers. Would you pass this message to the kids? I see, you don't want them to realize who you are. In this sense you a nonbeliever as well, a nonbeliever in Climate Change, so you can keep your comfortable life without ever trying to walk or ride a bike in your community.

But I'm praying to the Banana Goddess for a happy outcome. And she says to me, "Hey keep riding that bike, you idiot!" And I say, "Would you protect me?" and she doesn't answer.

Anyway when was the last time you saw a kid riding a bike in your community?


His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-20 21:25:35 UTC
"His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher"
Most projections I've seen is that the worst effects of Climate Change will
be felt by the middle of the century. And that's good news and bad news.
Good news for you, bad news for the kids. Yes, you may hide your whole life
and still not feel the full effects. And once you are dead, who cares!?
That's why I say this is the "battle of good vs. evil," not to be confused
with Armageddon. We know the "real bad people" are the polluters, not the
nonbelievers. Would you pass this message to the kids? I see, you don't want
them to realize who you are. In this sense you a nonbeliever as well, a
nonbeliever in Climate Change, so you can keep your comfortable life without
ever trying to walk or ride a bike in your community.
But I'm praying to the Banana Goddess for a happy outcome. And she says to
me, "Hey keep riding that bike, you idiot!" And I say, "Would you protect
me?" and she doesn't answer.
Anyway when was the last time you saw a kid riding a bike in your community?
I guess one could say that people who don't think climate change is a
problem really are living in the moment? You're right - kids don't ride
bikes a lot anymore, but I think it's because their parents are afraid
they're going to get hit by cell-phone people texting or talking while
Right, we are going down because we live in fear of the machine. Impotent to do something about it. Unwilling to try other options. Unable to change the system.

But, don't worry, let the kids worry.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-22 16:30:26 UTC
Well, whatever the case, it seems to me we have been successful where god failed. We tamed the beast. I mean we are not less wild than Adam & Eve.
Oh, I think we are. Human society and it's domesticated species have co-evolved, each fitting itself to the others.
Perhaps the most important evolutionary change in domesticated species is in impulse control, and I suspect this has become stronger in humans even over the last few centuries.
Dogs, meanwhile, rarely kill cats any more, something they used to regard as part of their job.
I don't think "we" are. People we know seem tamer, but our impression of the general level of violence in the world is affected by the increased volume of news we're exposed to. In Pinker's "The Better Angels of our Nature" Pinker argues (with statistics) that the world in actually an increasingly peaceful place, when you count casualties per head of population.
Yeah, Western Europe is the exception and so is Japan. The rest of the world lives in an increasingly dangerous world as illustrated by... GATED COMMUNITIES. They are enclaves of security for those who can afford it (the "top dogs," if you will). And there's another side to violence which is not necessarily crime. And that is TRAFFIC. We have unleashed the SUVs (again the top dogs) to intimidate and break apart communities. People fear to drive a regular car, people fear to go out and take a walk or ride a bike, people fear to go to the park because of the homeless, junkies and criminals. All this goes against the trend of CIVILIZATION. Now we are going back to Feudalism.
In Western Europe we probably live in the least violent society which has _ever_ existed, with a lifetime chance of dying by any kind of violence (including war) estimated at 1 in 100,000 (in the US it's 3).
Yeah, again, fear is so much more than actual statistics. Though the real chances of me being killed on my bicycle are small, I wouldn't dare to place my holy ass on the road under most situations. They come and attack (blast the horn) even in the most "select places" around here.

We live under the rule of fear, not much different than our paleolithic ancestors. Perhaps more because they were fighting nature and predators and while we fight human evil and corruption. And that's depressing. It's depressing we are trashing the planet AND we are unable to ride a bike.
"The minute we acknowledge being animals, we can decide to be humans and civilized."
It's the reverse of what we've got: We deny being animals and behave like animals.
Quite, though animal behavior is not universally negative.
I know, I know. It's not quite a "dog eat dog" world out there the way they want us to believe. Actually dogs like to play most of the time and they like to socialize.
And that has been the role of religion. You know what I mean?
To help us pretend we don't have an animal nature? Indeed.
Exactly and then they say, "The Devil made me do it!" ;)
NOTE: The fat cats around here are so daring as to look at my barking chihuahuas and ignore them. We do have a problem with fat cats around here and wished the dogs regained a more active role in keeping them out.
Exactly. My grandfather's dog used to bring back dead cats fairly frequently to use as bedding in his kennel.
Now the fat cats are roaming free and the most dogs must be kept on a leash.
Again, dogs give us the clue: People have dogs for them to be happy and
amusing. Or people have dogs to exercise POWER over them.
I wouldn't like to think God is that much of a looser, but believing that might be slow is a natural consequence of anthropomorphism.
Yeah, he's that much of a loser, just like Hitler. And in the end he will sacrifice 99.99% of humanity just to save his ego (144,000 will be selected, according to the Jehova's Witness). ;)
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-22 20:47:27 UTC
In my philosophy --wisdom of the jungle-- you get ready for the worst and pray for the best. But praying is a figure of speech. An imaginary conversation with the Banana Goddess, if you will.
Hey, I don't want you to believe in my same goddess. As a matter of fact you may pray to Dolly Castro (see above) or whoever makes you happy.

Anyway more talk about dogs and kids and things...
I've never claimed that taking a few lessons will make a kid another Django. Any good teacher knows that there are students who fail, and only a few that become exceptional. But it's very rare for a person to gain total mastery of any subject by only trial and error.
If trial and error were really that effective, society would recognize it and stop spending money on schools and books.
Don't worry about schools and books. If you learn how to ride a bike by the book, ride a straight line, etc, an idiot comes driving and texting and wipes you out.

I wouldn't sleep if my kid had to ride a bike to school. I think the parents could be charged for criminal negligence if they do that under the present conditions.

Gee, I was almost charged for leaving my chihuahuas in the car with the windows cracked and some guy called the police. May I add in my defense that it was night and the dogs were relaxed and cool until that idiot came nosing around. Now the chihuahuas stay home except when I go out on the bike and I take them in the basket. And I may be charged for that too. They are in great danger and so am I.
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