His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-28 15:44:59 UTC
| > > How smart are our elders? .....
| > Not very, else there'd been 1000s of times more abortions.
| I'm afraid the elderly don't abort themselves, but they become more
social conservative. They become more Christian and Conservative, and so
they vote Republican! Imagine, they did everything in their lives and now
become social conservatives.
Like I said, stupid notions based on misinformation. I have always been a
Repub and not the modern neocon version, altho I did register Democrat
once in order to vote against JFK twice. Nor have I ever been Christian -
less as I aged.
I don't blame anyone for voting Republican when the choice is voting Democrat. In other words, there are no real choices.| > Not very, else there'd been 1000s of times more abortions.
| I'm afraid the elderly don't abort themselves, but they become more
social conservative. They become more Christian and Conservative, and so
they vote Republican! Imagine, they did everything in their lives and now
become social conservatives.
Like I said, stupid notions based on misinformation. I have always been a
Repub and not the modern neocon version, altho I did register Democrat
once in order to vote against JFK twice. Nor have I ever been Christian -
less as I aged.
| I would rather become more childish and ride a trike.
Me too, altho it's hard to imagine becoming more of a child. The trike
just lets my failing body keep up with my mind. How many miles did you
ride today?
Sorry, I got my trike 15 miles away in a storage --near a park where I can ride it without worries. It's the "Sun" brand with the very wide seat where you can actually sit back and chill. .| I would rather become more childish and ride a trike.
Me too, altho it's hard to imagine becoming more of a child. The trike
just lets my failing body keep up with my mind. How many miles did you
ride today?
If I brought over it to the beach I would have to deal with pedestrians and cars that tend to ignore me. So walking is the next best option --the only one.
Hey, many people don't have that luxury in America!