Speed cameras to be implemented and red light cameras to be removed
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-13 20:07:07 UTC
My prayers has been answered. The Banana Goddess knows how to deliver the goods to make a monkey happy. Right around my community the red light cameras are flashing incessantly... 160 bucks a piece. That's enough to make a city's coffers rich but it's rather predatory in nature. The real issue is speeders who blatantly ignore the speed limits, making people fearful to go around their communities. Well, Chicago's mayor --a man by the name of Rahm Emanuel, so you may include him in your prayers-- knows how to hunt for the real predators, not the absent-minded driver who steps over the line at the red light.

"Just as the city gets ready to start issuing tickets up to $100 for people caught by the first of Mayor Rahm Emanuel's automated speed cameras, his office announced Tuesday that controversial red light cameras will be removed from 18 intersections."


Anyway it takes a fine art to tame the beast before we monkeys can come down from the trees. I guess it's time to celebrate.


His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-18 17:54:36 UTC
Wow, what a debut in NYC:

Speed Cameras To Make Their Debut In School Zones Across All 5 Boroughs
Enforcement To Begin On 1st Day Of School; Violators Face $50 Fine


That debut deserves to be on Broadway. You know, NYC is a very progressive city nowadays. Good things are happening and protecting the kids is great. Gee, the other day I could have gotten a ticket because I wasn't aware of the school zone. 50 bucks, I deserve it. Now it's spreading to the nation. And if you don't like it... ride a bicycle. Good for all.
2013-10-22 14:20:10 UTC
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Well, Chicago's mayor --a man by the name of Rahm Emanuel, so you may include him in your prayers-- knows how to hunt for the real predators, not the absent-minded driver who steps over the line at the red light.
Hell HAS frozen over and a pig just flew past my window cause I actually agree with you for once
Here in Mexifornia, the tickets are between 400 and 500 BUCKS.
More often than not, given for an almost-came-to-a-complete-stop-before-turning-right in one of those targeted intersections.
I'm surprised people haven't taking to shooting the lights and cameras
One day, while waiting for my SO at her bank, I watched cars at a 4 way stop sighed intersection.
Out of 50+ some cars & trucks the ONLY time anyone came to a complete no-forward-momentum-at-all was if there was a pedesterian in a crosswalk or a car turning in front of them.
Even the local cop in his meter reading Jeep didn't bother to stop.
Some people went thru at 10+ mph
As for bicyclists? They never bother to stop, unless absoultely necessary