Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherOn 25/11/2010 21:12, His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits
I guess you have to put in the right perspective such as "Would
Jesus... this or that?"
Rand is the "prophet of individualism," so how would she submit to the
common good? Some talk-show host was claiming yesterday that flying is
a PRIVILEGE, not a right. He makes sense. I guess YOU CAN WORK HARD
I'm the Wise TibetanMonkey with the old-fashioned rhythm of nature,
which goes at the pace of a bicycle. I don't need to travel that much
either. I like steamships though. "Royal Caribbean" sounds nice.
Calypso playing in the background. I think people in the Caribbean are
really closer to Paradise, in the little islands anyway. They got
bananas, coconuts and possibly a hammock --if they have my wisdom.
Now I want you to answer the question.
I don't know about that, but she submitted to Medicare and Social
Security in old age. Markets work until they don't.
Old people are a socialist crowd, if you take into account that Medicare and SS are sort of socialist institutions.
It's not denying those benefits but the motor behind the "elderly voting machine" (they are a biggest chunk of the voting population carefully courted by politicians) is socialism.
And they can't even get working sidewalks to be on their resume.
On 22/06/2013 18:13, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On 25/11/2010 21:12, His Highness the TibetanMonkey & the Free Spirits
I guess you have to put in the right perspective such as "Would
Jesus... this or that?"
Rand is the "prophet of individualism," so how would she submit to the
common good? Some talk-show host was claiming yesterday that flying is
a PRIVILEGE, not a right. He makes sense. I guess YOU CAN WORK HARD
I'm the Wise TibetanMonkey with the old-fashioned rhythm of nature,
which goes at the pace of a bicycle. I don't need to travel that much
either. I like steamships though. "Royal Caribbean" sounds nice.
Calypso playing in the background. I think people in the Caribbean are
really closer to Paradise, in the little islands anyway. They got
bananas, coconuts and possibly a hammock --if they have my wisdom.
Now I want you to answer the question.
I don't know about that, but she submitted to Medicare and Social
Security in old age. Markets work until they don't.
Old people are a socialist crowd, if you take into account that Medicare and SS are sort of socialist institutions.
It's not denying those benefits but the motor behind the "elderly voting machine" (they are a biggest chunk of the voting population carefully courted by politicians) is socialism.
And they can't even get working sidewalks to be on their resume.
It is well remarked over here that we have capitalism for the poor and
socialism for the rich. I am a rabid socialist: I love my free bus pass.
Myth, after all, is what we believe naturally. History is what we must
painfully learn and struggle to remember. -Albert Goldman
Yeah, "comrade," and we need socialist public transportation as well. ;)
(I mean MORE public transportation)
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher| Simple solution to it. Throw enough billboards up with old people
| flipping the bird, captioned with, "FUCK THE CHILDREN, DON'T TOUCH
| SS/MEDICARE/whatever other program you want to put up" and put it in
| enough major cities, and the message will get across.
| Granny will have to explain to little Billy why his future should be
| destroyed just to pay for her present, because she was too fucking
| stupid to save for her own, instead spending it all on booze and weed
| for 40 years.
Hey, my great grand daddy felt like that and you were both right then -
but this is now. I started paying into SS when I was 13 years old and
paid the max over half the time. That money went to support my parents'
generation and now y'all young-uns are supporting mine. And someday
somebody'll be supporting you. No, it isn't fair to make youth support
the parents who supported them but it's a done deal. Gimmee back the
money I paid in in uninflated dollars, plus interest, and we'll call it
square ... OK? Remember a new car cost under $2000 when I started paying.
And btw, most didn't spend it all on booze and weed, we sent some spoiled
brats to college to learn basket weaving and how to whine.
Nevertheless Social Security is a socialist institution. If you want private enterprise pay into 401K. That's more like real capitalism. Those who made the mistake NOT to pay into it have the option of euthanasia.
Now the big question --one carefully avoid by those on SS-- is who pays for a GROWING ELDERLY POPULATION. At one point in time, politicians will have to drop the bullshit and face reality. And then they'll be out of office...
Perhaps Ayn Rand would have a solution --other than euthanasia.
Check it out:
I like this:
"In these defined contribution plans, savings by individual workers received favorable tax treatment. But the risks, including risks from poor investments and the chance that you will retire during a stock market downturn, fall entirely on the individual. Even worse, many working-class and middle-class Americans with 401Ks are stealthily fleeced by money managers, who charge high and often difficult-to-find fees for allocating retirement money among stocks, bonds and other assets."
So the "money managers" (it sounds like the "money changers") are fleecing the sheep who believed in capitalism, right?