The ultimate showdown: God vs. Nature
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Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-11 23:36:22 UTC
SUVs are part of nature. Since when a monkey picks up a stick, the stick then becomes a tool to obtain ants out of an anthill. the stick is part of nature. a man takes up some metal, some rubber from trees, puts it together and you have a product of nature, devised by a natural entity.
it's therefore natural to have SUVs.
Bulldozers clearing up the jungle are part of nature?

It must be part of God's command to tame nature and create parking lots. He's a creator without much regard for his creation. Birds must caged, tigers driven into extinction and feral cats must be part of the landscape. You know what, an exotic lizard that feeds on cats has been introduced to Florida.

I'm sorry for the cats, but Nature always spoils God's plans. The ultimate showdown: God vs. Nature.

This is dedicated to a certain Indian chief who said "I told you so. The Christians are up to no good."


The jungle has never been this much fun!"

Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-04-12 02:46:08 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
SUVs are part of nature. Since when a monkey picks up a stick, the stick then becomes a tool to obtain ants out of an anthill. the stick is part of nature. a man takes up some metal, some rubber from trees, puts it together and you have a product of nature, devised by a natural entity.
it's therefore natural to have SUVs.
Bulldozers clearing up the jungle are part of nature?
just as natural as tree harvesters planting trees, or homeowners planting grass seeds, trees and bushes. More vegetation and trees where I live now than there was when i was just born.
Sorry, anecdotal evidence. That's not the fate of most of the world.
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
It must be part of God's command to tame nature and create parking lots.
yes, with the shade trees that now exist there and used to not exist there.
He's a creator without much regard for his creation. Birds must caged, tigers driven into extinction and feral cats must be part of the landscape. You know what, an exotic lizard that feeds on cats has been introduced to Florida.
or the creation of large wildlife parks. sure thing. not to
Have you heard of the S-P-R-A-W-L...?

Natural habitats and agricultural land have been disappearing to give way to the real estate industry.

You must be missing the news about all the species going extinct.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-12 15:10:16 UTC
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
Natural habitats and agricultural land have been disappearing to give way to the real estate industry.
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
You must be missing the news about all the species going extinct.
nothing wrong with real estate. there you have billions of independent properties with developed lands with individualized landscapes artistically created using grass, bushes and trees. since grass produces oxygen and does it better than trees, more power to it. And notice how grass will turn brown when not watered? so when a house gets put in, grass gets put in, sprinkler systems get put in and produce green grass to produce oxygen that helps the environment. it's time for a pizza to celebrate.
You have cunningly avoided the issue: the loss of both agricultural land and natural habitats, which result in many species going extinct.
What was the point of the Noah's Ark only to wipe them out in the reckless management of the Earth?
Like I said, Mother Nature is hitting back very hard. Your god is impotent.
yes, like every environmentalist who claims that a mud puddle is a wet land, or who claim that brine shrimp is endangered, as an excuse to prevent people from using their bought and paid full land. I remember a case where some environmentalists claimed that a piece of land littered with trash shouldn't be developed for low-income houses.
Tell your god to stop hurricanes, earthquakes or droughts, such as those affecting California and Texas.
if more people like you turned to God and prayed it wouldn't happen and the hands of disaster would be stayed.
I figure many Californians and Texans are praying for rain but it hasn't happened.
I understand the Indians had some dances for it.

why is it that when I think to pray that it does rain? not because I'm perfect, but that God mercifully answers our undeserved requests. and if people like you sought God the rain would persist.
Of all places, Texas is the place of megachurches and still doesn't rain. Mother Nature must be mad at them.

And I know she's sending a cat 5 hurricane to punish Miami. I'm praying for it.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-12 15:36:03 UTC
GOD is Nature , Nature is GOD .
you stupid fake Tibetan
You are stupid. How can you confuse Nature with God?
I've thought you would be converted to my wisdom by now.
Remember the lesson I taught yesterday?
God is impotent, Mother Nature got pussy power. Thank you.
Oh, I forgot to say, she's hot and getting hotter!
Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-04-12 16:34:44 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
GOD is Nature , Nature is GOD .
you stupid fake Tibetan
You are stupid. How can you confuse Nature with God?
I've thought you would be converted to my wisdom by now.
Remember the lesson I taught yesterday?
God is impotent, Mother Nature got pussy power. Thank you.
Oh, I forgot to say, she's hot and getting hotter!
It's a great responsibility to build a goddess from scratch so we must work on its PR. Should she be a nurturing mother or a hot mama?

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Mother Nature is kind of boring. We all know we must thank Nature for our existence, but it doesn't deliver the punch that we need. This is loosely based on a hot steamy night when the hot mama came to me in my dreams and said, "Are you ready for me, TibetanMonkey"?

Then I woke up because it was too hot.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-12 20:40:53 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
And I know she's sending a cat 5 hurricane to punish Miami. I'm praying for it.
and perhaps it will continue to do so until many unbelievers do something about it. one atheist claimed that maybe Go was punishing him as He was sending His hurricane his way. i prayed and the hurricane drizzled out. after telling this major atheist he never was thankful.
"8-foot-long carnivorous cat-eating lizards are invading Florida"
I'm so glad Nature is taking care of herself, since people feed a feral cat population along the coast of South Florida. Thank you, Mother Nature, for sending the big lizards!
that's just the start. you'll be hearing about mountain lions, snakes and other dangerous creatures invading communities. it will get so that women joggers will avoid mountain paths, children will be kept in the house, and so fourth.
Quite the contrary, we need more snakes to keep the feral cat population in check. They have become a ultimate predator in the Everglades. That proves Satan is winning.