I think wine is the main commodity in Heaven
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Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-04-19 15:37:26 UTC
Let's assume that you believe in the afterlife, a better place to be than this life. When you kill someone you are not depriving him of HIS ONLY LIFE, but sending him to a BETTER LIFE.

In other words, Hitler sent millions to a better life. The Christians assume Jesus is running the place issuing you a pair of sandals, a robe and a loaf of bread. Oh yes, plenty of wine too.

I think wine is the main commodity in Heaven.


"The jungle has never been this much fun!"

59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-04-19 18:15:20 UTC
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
I think wine is the main commodity in Heaven.
Señor caballero. I am pleased to inform you that I have driven across La Mancha in a Renault 18i. I saw the windmills from afar, but felt no urge to attack them, especially astride a Renault 18i. I was driving from Granada, where the wine was good, and I was heading for the Parador in Toledo, where the wine was even better.

And now some historical perspective from Wikipedia: << The name "La Mancha" is probably derived from the Arab word المنشا al-mansha, meaning "the dry land" or "wilderness". The name of the city of Almansa in Albacete also has the same origin.[2] The word mancha in Spanish literally means spot, stain, or patch, but no apparent link exists between this word and the name of the region. >>

The Spaniards say Almansa because they can't pronounce Almansha, because there is no ش ('sh') in Spanish. But they did get 'al' right, which is the ال in المنشا. But somehow the Spaniards got ال ('El') confused with 'La'. Thus, the region should be El-mansa, and you, Señor caballero, should be El Hombre de El Mansa. Some might argue in favor of El Hombre del Mansa, but I would not share that opinion, so don't worry.
Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-04-19 18:38:15 UTC
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
I think wine is the main commodity in Heaven.
Señor caballero. I am pleased to inform you that I have driven across La Mancha in a Renault 18i. I saw the windmills from afar, but felt no urge to attack them, especially astride a Renault 18i. I was driving from Granada, where the wine was good, and I was heading for the Parador in Toledo, where the wine was even better.
And now some historical perspective from Wikipedia: << The name "La Mancha" is probably derived from the Arab word المنشا al-mansha, meaning "the dry land" or "wilderness". The name of the city of Almansa in Albacete also has the same origin.[2] The word mancha in Spanish literally means spot, stain, or patch, but no apparent link exists between this word and the name of the region. >>
The Spaniards say Almansa because they can't pronounce Almansha, because there is no ش ('sh') in Spanish. But they did get 'al' right, which is the ال in المنشا. But somehow the Spaniards got ال ('El') confused with 'La'. Thus, the region should be El-mansa, and you, Señor caballero, should be El Hombre de El Mansa. Some might argue in favor of El Hombre del Mansa, but I would not share that opinion, so don't worry.
Jesus and Quixote were pursuing the impossible dream to change the world through misfortunes. However neither one left many people willing to try their adventures. Had you attacked the windmills, you may have gotten some publicity for yourself.

Were you to try some of those adventures, make sure to have some fun. I have a lot of fun.
Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-04-19 18:38:34 UTC
On Sun, 19 Apr 2015 06:50:36 -0700 (PDT), "Wise TibetanMonkey, Most
I think Putin is more like Lenin and Stalin.
They both played god, but not crazy god.
Stalin was crazy and seemed to think himself a god. Killed millions.
I do consider Hitler the worse between the two. They were all 3
just full of themselves.
Stalin was an atheist, no shade of afterlife. However communism is a form of religion. The deification of Lenin is such an example.

Lenin however had his share of crimes, so he was no saint. Only Jesus killed no one but he wasn't a true Buddhist because he ate meat. Probably he ate pig as well, so he fell in disgrace with the Jews.

It's all easy to believe if you have faith. ;)
Hitler was like God in the Old Testament. He launched war against ALL TRIBES that opposed his chosen people.
True but to disagree with Stalin was also Death. Hitler went to war
on everyone who would not bow down before his chosen people.
I wonder which ruler was the biggest butcher in the last 2000 years?
Jesus would be to blame for it all for NOT staying here to rule the world. His escape and disappearance opened the gates of Hell, not least the torture machine of the Holy Inquisition. Torture may be said to be worse than killing outright.

What Jesus do? He escaped to India and became a Tibetan monk. ;)

(see the BBC documentary above)
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-19 19:40:12 UTC
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
On Sun, 19 Apr 2015 06:50:36 -0700 (PDT), "Wise TibetanMonkey, Most
I think Putin is more like Lenin and Stalin.
They both played god, but not crazy god.
Stalin was crazy and seemed to think himself a god. Killed millions.
I do consider Hitler the worse between the two. They were all 3
just full of themselves.
Stalin was an atheist, no shade of afterlife. However communism is a form of religion. The deification of Lenin is such an example.
Lenin however had his share of crimes, so he was no saint. Only Jesus killed no one but he wasn't a true Buddhist because he ate meat. Probably he ate pig as well, so he fell in disgrace with the Jews.
It's all easy to believe if you have faith. ;)
Hitler was like God in the Old Testament. He launched war against ALL TRIBES that opposed his chosen people.
True but to disagree with Stalin was also Death. Hitler went to war
on everyone who would not bow down before his chosen people.
I wonder which ruler was the biggest butcher in the last 2000 years?
Jesus would be to blame for it all for NOT staying here to rule the world. His escape and disappearance opened the gates of Hell, not least the torture machine of the Holy Inquisition. Torture may be said to be worse than killing outright.
What Jesus do? He escaped to India and became a Tibetan monk. ;)
(see the BBC documentary above)
Not that I could swallow the whole documentary (I had it playing on the background), but it seems to say that Jesus could have gone as far as France or India after his "death," which wasn't a death or resurrection at all.

I think the British taxpayers were taken for a ride.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-20 06:27:21 UTC
No paradise for those who don't take wine?
No way, life would be intolerable without wine. They would want you to forget what life was like on Earth. Life in Heaven is terribly boring. All you see is angels singing hallelujah and they don't even have sex with you. Pleasures of the flesh are substituted with wine.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-20 13:58:51 UTC
Muslim heaven could be different. Will there be 72 virgins?
Yeah, I think it would be the leftovers from the angels. Average age 72 years old.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-20 16:16:49 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Muslim heaven could be different. Will there be 72 virgins?
Yeah, I think it would be the leftovers from the angels. Average age 72 years old.
One of the deepest issues in the heavens is what age would people be kept to keep them from sinning. Young bodies would bring temptation, and many would definitely fall. The age of 72 would be a golden age where sex is not that important anymore. Sagging bodies are a great deterrent to sex. So be it, the golden age is that of 72.

I wonder if the Christians are OK with that. Sure, sex is about reproduction. No reproduction needed in Heaven.