Is Christianity a treatable disease?
(too old to reply)
Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-07-23 19:58:42 UTC
For the most part, I believe it's incurable. The problem is this is planted in childhood when the brain is most impressionable and the fear of punishment is very much alive.

In other words, fear and Christianity are intrinsically related and there's no cure for it. The most you can hope is complete isolation and time. Yes, time cures all ills.

Best approach is prevention. Don't let your child near this people. Tribes found in isolation in the Amazon never catch the disease.


"The jungle has never been this much fun!"

Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-07-23 22:38:34 UTC
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
For the most part, I believe it's incurable. The problem is this is planted
in childhood when the brain is most impressionable and the fear of punishment
is very much alive.
Nope. When I was little my parents took me to church and Sunday School.
We only went a few times and then ditched it for the load of utter
bollocks it is.
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
In other words, fear and Christianity are intrinsically related and there's
no cure for it. The most you can hope is complete isolation and time. Yes,
time cures all ills.
Nope, not incurable. People simply have to use their own brain, then
they soon realise it's just complete nonsensical, incongruous fantasy
garbage perpetuated by a bunch of conmen priests.
That's true. The priests have a lot blame for the spread disease, but government institutions assume an active role in support of the priests. I'm talking about the schools and prisons.
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
Best approach is prevention. Don't let your child near this people. Tribes
found in isolation in the Amazon never catch the disease.
That works too. Except here in New Zealand some public, government run
schools run an idiotic religious lesson (one hour per week, Christian
only, other religions aren't allowed). Parents can opt-out their kids,
but then the young kids are often forced to sit in the corner / outside
by themselves thinking they've done something wrong.
Religious instruction does NOT belong in schools ... for morons who
want to indoctrinate their kids in such mythical idiocy, that's what
the church, Sunday School, and home is for.
Yes, it is possible that the Christians change their mind through introspection and rational means.

They don't listen though. Perhaps the isolation will speed up the process. But there's nothing like prevention. We must practice prevention at an early age, a sort of vaccination. Same thing actually.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-07-24 03:16:45 UTC
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
For the most part, I believe it's incurable. The problem is this is planted
in childhood when the brain is most impressionable and the fear of punishment
is very much alive.
Nope. When I was little my parents took me to church and Sunday School.
We only went a few times and then ditched it for the load of utter
bollocks it is.
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
In other words, fear and Christianity are intrinsically related and there's
no cure for it. The most you can hope is complete isolation and time. Yes,
time cures all ills.
Nope, not incurable. People simply have to use their own brain, then
they soon realise it's just complete nonsensical, incongruous fantasy
garbage perpetuated by a bunch of conmen priests.
That's true. The priests have a lot blame for the spread disease, but
government institutions assume an active role in support of the priests. I'm
talking about the schools and prisons.
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
Best approach is prevention. Don't let your child near this people. Tribes
found in isolation in the Amazon never catch the disease.
That works too. Except here in New Zealand some public, government run
schools run an idiotic religious lesson (one hour per week, Christian
only, other religions aren't allowed). Parents can opt-out their kids,
but then the young kids are often forced to sit in the corner / outside
by themselves thinking they've done something wrong.
Religious instruction does NOT belong in schools ... for morons who
want to indoctrinate their kids in such mythical idiocy, that's what
the church, Sunday School, and home is for.
Yes, it is possible that the Christians change their mind through
introspection and rational means.
They don't listen though. Perhaps the isolation will speed up the process.
But there's nothing like prevention. We must practice prevention at an early
age, a sort of vaccination. Same thing actually.
The "vaccination" is to ban religions from schools and other public
venues (other than in "church", which includes specific religious
meetings in a community hall, etc. where there is no actual church
The even better "vaccination" would be to ban religion completely and
immediately. Anyone caught practising or preaching religious myths is
instantly jailed, and any further such activity after release results
in the death penalty. (The western culture "justice" system also needs
to similarly get MUCH MUCH tougher on all other crimes - the current
weak-kneed / politically correct idiocy of a slap with a wet paper
towel and/or a stay in a holiday hotel simply isn't enough of a
I'd try a less dramatic cure as they are known to play victim. I'd let them walk out of isolation once they promise to live like Jesus and be like Jesus. For example, I'd like them to use a donkey or go walking and biking where appropriate. I think they should do community work as well, as they seem to abandon the world to its fate while claiming it's falling apart. Of course it's falling apart because of them.

The donkey must be grown on organic pastures.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-07-24 16:45:41 UTC
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
For the most part, I believe it's incurable. The problem is this is planted in childhood when the brain is most impressionable and the fear of punishment is very much alive.
In other words, fear and Christianity are intrinsically related and there's no cure for it. The most you can hope is complete isolation and time. Yes, time cures all ills.
Best approach is prevention. Don't let your child near this people. Tribes found in isolation in the Amazon never catch the disease.
I loved those movies directed by Mel "Hey! Sugar Tits!" Gibson, Beating Jesus (aka The Passion of The Christ) and Apocalypto. Beating Jesus was all about torturing Christ. Apocalypto was all about a bunch of south American (Mesoamerican tribesman) savages having it out, and ended with the Spanish showing up in boats, with a giant crucifix and guns. As always, Christianity wins again! Who cares of Cortez took their Gold and killed a bunch of them? It was all in good fun.
Yep, the conquistadors did a great job with the sword and the cross. What a simple choice. Millions took the cross and now the churches are part of the landscape in Latin America. If they sold the gold in them, they could probably be prosperous.

Other Indians more rebellious decided to die. The couple in Apocalypto decided to run into the jungle and hide. I'd have done the same thing.

We may never know if Gibson loves Jesus or hates Jews. We should all go and hide in the jungle.
Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-07-24 18:03:26 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Post by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
For the most part, I believe it's incurable. The problem is this is planted in childhood when the brain is most impressionable and the fear of punishment is very much alive.
In other words, fear and Christianity are intrinsically related and there's no cure for it. The most you can hope is complete isolation and time. Yes, time cures all ills.
Best approach is prevention. Don't let your child near this people. Tribes found in isolation in the Amazon never catch the disease.
I loved those movies directed by Mel "Hey! Sugar Tits!" Gibson, Beating Jesus (aka The Passion of The Christ) and Apocalypto. Beating Jesus was all about torturing Christ. Apocalypto was all about a bunch of south American (Mesoamerican tribesman) savages having it out, and ended with the Spanish showing up in boats, with a giant crucifix and guns. As always, Christianity wins again! Who cares of Cortez took their Gold and killed a bunch of them? It was all in good fun.
Yep, the conquistadors did a great job with the sword and the cross. What a simple choice. Millions took the cross and now the churches are part of the landscape in Latin America. If they sold the gold in them, they could probably be prosperous.
Other Indians more rebellious decided to die. The couple in Apocalypto decided to run into the jungle and hide. I'd have done the same thing.
We may never know if Gibson loves Jesus or hates Jews. We should all go and hide in the jungle.
Mel, to his credit, has made some interesting faith based movies. But he also has a big time drinking problem too. His rants about Jews were all under the influence of booze, when he was arrested for DWI. He's a member of an orthodox Catholic sect, along with the guy who played Jesus, Bobby Jones and that tough guy John Reese on the CBS crime drama series Person of Interest. Sometimes it's tough, but separating the personal life of an artist (especially Mel) from their art is tough.
The Spanish conquistadors used the barbaric treatment by the Aztecs to justify their own barbaric treatment of the Indians.

Then one fine day, the Guadalupe Virgin appeared to a bunch of peasants (not sure of the circumstances) and the rest is history. We can assume the current violence in Mexico is part of the Aztec and Spanish conquest. Some of the drug gangs are very, very Christian.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-07-25 02:42:13 UTC
On Fri, 24 Jul 2015 07:51:49 -0700, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
On Thursday, 23 July 2015 02:32:12 UTC+1, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most
On 07/22/2015 05:46 PM, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
The question is why God made such a silly decision to give them
wings that don't work.
That must be one of those divine mysteries that Duke and Andrew
tell us about.
They must be prepared for this question, right?
I'd assume God can do whatever he wants. He was exhausted when he
created the platypus.
Could be explained by polytheism. Certain animals do look as if they
were designed by committee. The GNU is another.
Camel: A horse designed by a committee.
I'd go with the dromedary -- a double hump is a redundancy feature
beloved of over-designing committees...
There's a perfectly logical explanation for their design: The designing
committee had a very bumpy session designing them.
Much disagreement amongst the committee caused someone to get the hump.
We also know where they got the design of the toes from. ;-)
When it comes to animals, God's greatest blunder was the dinosaurs. He felt so embarrassed by his design that he dumped them before they could be direct competition to humans.

He was naive that they wouldn't swallow Adam and Eve whole.
