His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-06-17 15:32:19 UTC
On Sun, 16 Jun 2013 14:21:44 -0700 (PDT), "His Highness the Wise
creature is omni-everything and 'still' made the Earth and humans.
Where's my hammer? I need to smash my thumb on the concrete.
His wonderful plans --us living naked in the Garden of Eden forever--Imagine being God and having to deal with the Devil and Humanity. It's
a job I wouldn't want for myself, even when I'd have millions praying
for me. What would I care anyway. The responsibility is mine. Every
earthquake, every Titanic that sinks would be my responsibility.
Even Adam & Eve were a pain in the back. Stupid idiots, God gave them
a simple command they couldn't follow. And worst of all, humans insist
on destroying the planet by every possible means. That's right, it
must be the job of the Devil.
Boggles the mind at how stupid the god is. Point being that thea job I wouldn't want for myself, even when I'd have millions praying
for me. What would I care anyway. The responsibility is mine. Every
earthquake, every Titanic that sinks would be my responsibility.
Even Adam & Eve were a pain in the back. Stupid idiots, God gave them
a simple command they couldn't follow. And worst of all, humans insist
on destroying the planet by every possible means. That's right, it
must be the job of the Devil.
creature is omni-everything and 'still' made the Earth and humans.
Where's my hammer? I need to smash my thumb on the concrete.
were spoiled by a single woman. We all know how difficult it's for a
woman to pay attention to simple advice that we men offer since we
tend to think more. We assume God is a man since he saw the danger and
was quick to punish Adam & Eve. My GF forgets what I tell her all the
time. And I'm absentminded myself. The Buddhists call this state of
mind "monkey mind." When God gave the command "not to eat from the
Tree of Knowledge," it may have been ignored by a simple mental lapse,
sort of like a computer glitch. And we are missing the reset button.
So Humanity was made with a monkey mind and no reset button. In other
words, we would never buy a computer that worked like us.