Deep Thoughts: "You can not expect to sit on your ass and be happy"
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-06 17:21:37 UTC
That's something the couch potato must have in mind. You go out there, and do something out of the cage. Go to the beach, hit the trail, ride a bike or walk. But it also means, "Happiness doesn't come to you, you go and grab happiness." That's a concept that challenges the idea of "Heaven," where there's nothing to do.

I laid back at the beach at sunset yesterday and thought that life can be beautiful. Just leave the couch behind and go somewhere where you can find happiness. Am I turning too philosophical?

I think my biographers will remember that quote but I may be wrong. Oh maybe "Happiness is a hammock, move slowly but move." I think that is good too.

Well this is my all time favorite:

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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-07 00:38:48 UTC
I thought that's what Oxycontin and Xanax were for :-)
(Frankly, I'm surprised the govt hasn't added a mix
to the water supply by now ... a nation of happily
drooling sheep ... )
Medications are a poor and expensive substitute for real life. Hey, it's all about money, right? The system wants you dumb, fat and afraid to come out.

You know what, I felt inspired and went out on the bike --which I haven't touched for months-- and even laid down under a tree to talk about revolution and stuff. Good news is I didn't see the homeless that were occupying the park before. Other than that there isn't much space to ride a bike, perhaps a mile without conflict with cars and pedestrians. Well, a mixed path creates conflicts of their own, like mixing pedestrians, bicycles and dogs.

The lady friend sharing with us --we are not a threesome-- says the park attendants masturbate freely in their big trucks while spying on ladies. But maybe she's just afraid. It's a general fear that things happen. I think the world out there is depressing but maybe it's just me. If you want to see the world half empty or half full, it's up to you.

And, funny thing, all this happened after almost destroying my beautiful bikes with a hammer. No way, don't let those animal instincts take over. I think all those people who go out with a gun shooting people are people isolated from from society, sitting in a cage. Nobody can sit in the cage and be happy. Or maybe they are happy because they are dumb. I don't want a gun because I may be tempted.

I just want a machete to open coconuts and defend myself. Are there coconuts and women in Heaven? There's no fun or pleasure, I hear.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-07 15:02:05 UTC
Le 8/7/2013 2:39 AM, His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
I thought that's what Oxycontin and Xanax were for :-)
(Frankly, I'm surprised the govt hasn't added a mix
to the water supply by now ... a nation of happily
drooling sheep ... )
Medications are a poor and expensive substitute for real life. Hey, it's all about money, right? The system wants you dumb, fat and afraid to come out.
You know what, I felt inspired and went out on the bike --which I haven't touched for months-- and even laid down under a tree to talk about revolution and stuff. Good news is I didn't see the homeless that were occupying the park before. Other than that there isn't much space to ride a bike, perhaps a mile without conflict with cars and pedestrians. Well, a mixed path creates conflicts of their own, like mixing pedestrians, bicycles and dogs.
The lady friend sharing with us --we are not a threesome-- says the park attendants masturbate freely in their big trucks while spying on ladies. But maybe she's just afraid. It's a general fear that things happen. I think the world out there is depressing but maybe it's just me. If you want to see the world half empty or half full, it's up to you.
And, funny thing, all this happened after almost destroying my beautiful bikes with a hammer. No way, don't let those animal instincts take over. I think all those people who go out with a gun shooting people are people isolated from from society, sitting in a cage. Nobody can sit in the cage and be happy. Or maybe they are happy because they are dumb. I don't want a gun because I may be tempted.
I just want a machete to open coconuts and defend myself. Are there coconuts and women in Heaven? There's no fun or pleasure, I hear.
Heaven begins where anxieties end. Why worry about park attendants
getting off on ladies' bikinis. Why need a machete to defend yourself.
Why rage and threaten to destroy your "beautiful" bikes.
So much beauty in the middle of so much ugliness is so much waste. The place where I could show off and socialize is several miles away and it's impossible to get there on a bike without struggle. They promised a path but it ain't coming. I thought it would come with the bike sharing program but it didn't. They said this summer, but it ain't coming. "Coming soon"...
the suffering is seething through your defenses.
Sorry, in the jungle you must be ready for mosquito bites and snake bites. You must carry water and machete. You must carry your bananas. It's not like you carry a Bible.
There's only one path to freedom and it has nothing at all to do with
the world you surround yourself with. Use you talents and intelligence
to figure it out, Monkey.
Well, freedom to me means "freedom to roam free" or "monkey out of the cage," which is the name of this campaign. Anything that threatens the peace and security of those who venture out is an obstacle to be removed. Sometimes is just litter, homelessness or wastefulness that depresses you. For example there's these blinding lights that prevent me from enjoying bike riding at night on the beach path. But wait, these lights are also on in the daytime! How can a smart person be blind to that? Oh no, we must fix it! And there are thousands of feral cats being fed illegally but openly on the back alleys, making all possible wildlife impossible. Or the path that's connected to the park with a tattered carpet that places you in direct collision with pedestrians. It rattles your bike like all the screws are coming apart and nobody says, "Hey, it's only 100 feet, let's make a wide cement path for the convenience of people."

That's why I decided to make it a revolution, so there's always a solution. And I'm saying nothing else that DEMOCRACY IS DYSFUNCTIONAL. We are destroying the whole planet while people look the other way. Somebody must face the issues, right?
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