Post by szzzPost by Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic EnterprisesWhat if Jesus said "Give a banana to thy enemy"?
I don't think bananas existed in bible times.
They must have existed. I hear the banana is original from India,
"tropical Indomalaya" according to Wikipedia.
"And Australia".
You know the Christian argument the banana was made to fit the hand? It would make sense Adam & Eve would enjoy the fruit. "Look, Eve, what I've got in my hand!"
and we know Jesus trekked to India. ;)
We also know - or we should know - that India is big.
You probably could trek around for a long time without
finding a banana.
If Jesus was into Flower Power then he would give
a flower to his enemies.
You can put a flower in a gun barrel. Not so easy
with a sword. You could try gladioli... Dame Edna did.
Or --god forbid-- it could be a loaded banana...
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"
Or you can give your enemy a banana to stick it up their arse....ha...
That's right. This is very similar to the Biblical metaphor of the lion --which was a vegetarian before the original sin... ;)
Well, he should be ready to eat banana, right? Substitute "lion" for your favorite predator, politicians, etc. In the case of Jesus, the lion would have been Rome. Funny the early Christians were fed to the lions. Once Constantine came to power... the Christians became the lion.
And what would you do if you face a Christian lion?
One day in Africa, a missionary was walking around Bible in hand. All of a sudden a lion, who happened to be hungry, decided that the missionary was a fine meal and charged at him. The missionary went on his knees and prayed, "Jesus, make this beast stop." The lion stops and goes, "Thank you, Jesus, for this wonderful dinner!"