Toenail cutting?
(too old to reply)
2015-03-21 13:59:16 UTC
At 80, with hammer toes, and living alone, I find toenail cutting quite
difficult any more. Any tips?

The first toe is a hammertoe, the nail quite thick and curled tightly
around the front of the toe. The 'big' toe nail is very thick as well.
Bending my legs and maneuvering my feet is not so easy any more. Pedicures
are expensive.

Any suggestions? I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem. Trouble
is, Usenet seems to be dying and group populations and number of posts are
getting quite small in most groups, including this one.

You know it's time to clean the refrigerator
when something closes the door from the inside.
59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-03-21 23:15:38 UTC
Post by KenK
At 80, with hammer toes, and living alone, I find toenail cutting quite
difficult any more. Any tips?
It sounds like your first problem might be getting to your toes in order to cut the nails. I would suggest sitting on the floor on a carpet -- assuming you wouldn't have a hard time getting back up. Maybe sitting with your back against a wall would make it easier to lean forward. Those thick toenails might soften up some if you stuck your feet in warm water for awhile before cutting the nails. Good luck.
High Miles
2015-03-22 19:54:39 UTC
Post by KenK
At 80, with hammer toes, and living alone, I find toenail cutting quite
difficult any more. Any tips?
The first toe is a hammertoe, the nail quite thick and curled tightly
around the front of the toe. The 'big' toe nail is very thick as well.
Bending my legs and maneuvering my feet is not so easy any more. Pedicures
are expensive.
Any suggestions? I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem. Trouble
is, Usenet seems to be dying and group populations and number of posts are
getting quite small in most groups, including this one.
You should consider taking them to a podiatrist.
Your hammer toe situation might be resolved there as well.


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