Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-09-09 16:49:10 UTC
Only a Christian could fail to see the dire consequences of overpopulation. Smart people must find answers. The question is how to best control the population, regulation or incentives. India is trying now rewarding sterilization with gifts, from TVs to cars. Imagine having something else to do --such as watching TV-- other than making babies. I think it's a good idea. This in turn could help prevent massive emigration, deforestation, suffering and war. Babies are cute but in moderation. And let's not forget about EDUCATION.
Prevention is the key, not having babies born into poverty. Then the Christians would have another charity to run. Hindus should be smarter than that.
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"
So what is the _optimal_ human population of the planet?Prevention is the key, not having babies born into poverty. Then the Christians would have another charity to run. Hindus should be smarter than that.
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"
The question I have not being able to answer is how to avoid getting into a cycle of aging populations throughout the world. Jumping off the cliff at 65 is not an option.
How about if we give a nice car to your family... Will they push you off the cliff?
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"