What's the Permanent Solution to the Elderly Question?
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Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-05-26 19:14:11 UTC
While the Christians don't want to hear about POPULATION CONTROL, we must find a solution to this issue somehow. I've designed a way to save most of the elderly population. A test anyone can pass, and those who pass will feel like a kid, pamper and all.
Too many cyclists believe that the road rules don't apply to them
simply because they don't pay any road fees nor need a licence.
Again, the biggest losers are the pedestrians, mainly the elderly past their productive years. Being the Darwinists that we are, we should find a permanent solution for that. Of course, the elderly that can ride a bike or trike would be spared.


Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble P
2014-05-26 21:20:33 UTC
Overpopulation myth wasn't even a concern in the Christian community. Those who fought the overpopulation myth were secularists like Julian Simon.
The only reason you think that the Christian community is trying to fight the overpopulation myth is because I've written against it. But I'm not the same as most Christians in that I wanted to know more about everything and so I looked into economics, science, history, art, culture and philosophy.
julian Simon and Paul Ehrlich made a bet that Julian Simon won.
Basically Ehrlich, the author of the Population Bomb, a book I was knew about before I found out about Simon, argued that the resources on the earth were scarcer and prices of metals would go up. Simon bet that prices would go down. Simon won.
Fact is, there is no overpopulation, and not even near to it. It's a myth. Overpopulation is not defined by square footage of people on the earth, but rather by the sustainability of resources. The fact of the matter is that resources are infinite because they are replaceable.
Metal was replaced by plastic, for example.
Anyway, there is a whole field out there in terms of efficient economic production. Again, the overpopulation myth is just a myth invented so that Kings and Queens and other dictators can control people. When there are too many people the royalty feel threatened. That's the only reason that overpopulation myth is still argued.
The powers that be want to kill people and control them. It is fascinated by death.
You are dodging the question that the elderly are a bigger problem than overpopulation itself. We have something god never expected: a dilemma.
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
While the Christians don't want to hear about POPULATION CONTROL,
you got christianity all wrong then
or perhaps your referring to catholicism ? who is against any birth
control system, including coitus interuptus ... (but calendar system
I'm yet to know a "pro life" activist who's not Christian.

At the same time they deny the right to die, euthanasia.

What's wrong with this people? I think they are unable to put 2 and 2 together.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble P
2014-05-27 03:47:25 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
While the Christians don't want to hear about POPULATION CONTROL,
we must find a solution to this issue somehow. I've designed a way
to save most of the elderly population. A test anyone can pass,
and those who pass will feel like a kid, pamper and all.
Send them to Lake Havasu, Arizona to enjoy life
Yeah, some exotic place in the desert seems good to me. It will be a place with working sidewalks but without contact with politicians.
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