On Thu, 2 Apr 2015 10:24:10 -0700 (PDT), "Wise TibetanMonkey, Most
I've used the term "Jesus junkies" before ......
And, for a certain segment, it's painfully true.
For a larger segment, the addiction to this sort of
fantasy isn't quite so obvious or overt ... but it's
there neverthless. People LIKE ... LOVE ... to
believe that somehow the universe is "on their
side", arranged just to make things turn out well
for humans ... especially the ones who mumble
the correct magic words to imaginary superbeings.
Marx DID have a valuable point here ... religion is
a paralytic drug of sorts, one that encourages
people to sit in squalor and do nothing - under the
assumption that someone, something, is hard at
work to make sure things turn out OK. People
under the influence of that drug are generally
useless - they'd starve to death rather than risk
meddling with the status-quo.
Regrettably, communism turned out to be another drug. Instead
of an instrument for action, it became an instrument for control.
Not unlike religion.
Well, socioeconomic paradigms can be as attractive
as a bag of crack too.
Marxism suffered from "Ivory Tower Syndrome" ... it
was something that really *sounded* like it ought to
work and had all the fine structure needed to be a
working system.
Well, 'all' except for ONE little thing - humans that actually
thought/behaved in the way Marxism required to operate
smoothly. Marxism was for some other kind of animal,
maybe robots. This flaw is kind of why the further-lefties
waste SO much time on 'social engineering' ... they think
they can, and should, turn us into something we're not
mostly just so they can screw the 'rich' people.
There are similar real -vs- ideal issues that plague those
who want to set up theocracies too.
My fear is that one of these nutty groups will someday
attempt some mass-scale drugging or genetic-engineering
campaign aimed to actually turn people into something
compatible with ideology-X. It'd be a disaster, a lot of our
human 'quirks' are there because, under various conditions
and situations, they're actually useful and aid survival.
You can be a really nice guy - but if the shit hits the fan
you may be best served by extreme selfishness and
amoral behavior. You know ... maybe lock YOURSELF
in the shelter, with all the food, until the radiation subsides.
Being TOO 'nice' cab get you killed along with everybody
else dontchaknow ....
The Marxist experiment should serve as a warning for those who hope to find paradise in the afterlife --assuming there's such a thing.
How our imperfect desires, our inclination to corruption and our unpredictable behavior will disappear to comply with God's best design? I expect God to dress everybody the same, feed everybody the same and enforce strict discipline.
Such transformation is as unlikely as afterlife itself. In other words, perfection is not a human trait. Yes, we can do this world much better and we should work toward it. Action is the opposite of Marxism and Christianity.