Was Jesus a good lover?
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Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-02-01 00:55:06 UTC
If you want to hit a girl you say you are god. He probably hit the wife of a Roman legionary and had him crucified.
While on the subject I want to add that when I say to ladies I'm the "Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher" they get all excited. And they would be even more if they tried my skills (namely the TibetanMonkey position).
Imagine Jesus saying he was god or the son of god... He could have any girl he wanted. There's a danger to that though. The danger is that couldn't deliver. Was Jesus a good lover?
Yes --say his followers-- Jesus was all love. Not sure what it means. It sounds like John Lennon. I always like to listen "Imagine." Perhaps a little sad, like Jesus. And there's a strong parallel of Yoko Ono and Mary Magdalene --forbidden love.


Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-02-02 19:47:09 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
And there's a strong parallel of Yoko Ono and Mary Magdalene
--forbidden love.
What made Yoko Ono forbidden was her screeching voice and ghastly looks.
And the fact that she was Japanese.

You don't think there was some racism into it?

Oh yes, there was...


What if Jesus had dated a Chinese lady? It would signal that he's truly global. John Lennon is better than Jesus.