Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherPost by 59Fiat600 RossaMeanwhile back on Miami Beach, the last bicycle has been swept away by the rising tide of Globally Warmed seawater. The warm waters of the Gulf Stream that flow from Southern Florida and cross the Atlantic to warm the western coast of Norway have begun to boil. Icebergs from the melting glaciers race south against the scalding Gulf Stream until they finally melt beside Miami Beach, where the sea level races toward the twelfth floor of all the wasteful high rises. Meanwhile, back in Bergen, Gerd Aase shakes a finger and says, "I told you so".
Oh, no no, I moved away from Miami Beach. It's my girlfriend who still owns a property there. Yes, she rents it, so any idiot willing to come to MB may contact me.
Will your honesty now goad you to remove the "Wise" from your nym?
I'll be honest, real honest. Neither party involved in the holocaust wins my heart. The strong eats the weak, such is life in the jungle. Many Jews now occupy prominent positions as lawyers, doctors, bankers and politicians, and they couldn't care less about life outside their community. I know because Miami Beach is a Jewish enclave and the mayor is a Jew and a crook. I have never received any solidarity from them when I rode my bike. My community was full of crap and nobody raised a finger. There's a couple of monuments to corruption nearby and the money goes down the drain. Democracy is a failure, a lie. All the things spoken of by Hitler ring true, but then you realize his prescription was brutal, criminal. The Israelis do it better by pushing the Palestinians out of their homeland. Actually, I feel like a Palestinian riding my bike. The "humane way" is to let the underclass drown in their own crap. Let the pedestrian and bicyclist struggle for survival...
Hitler for his part, destroyed Germany launching the whole nation into a suicidal war to feed his ego... He brought Germany all the way to her knees. TWO THUMBS DOWN.
As a matter of redemption for democracy, things in Germany seem to be working pretty good. I'm judging from afar, but things seem to be working. Anyone may correct me, of course.