Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherThere's a new world for roaches and other critters that survive WWIII and Climate Change. Actually we may go back the Carboniferous Period and back to business with evolution. There will be no God no more as he's a figment of the imagination.
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"
an you prayed about this?
No, no. I confess I killed a roach yesterday.
Will I burn in Hell?
for killing a roach? for the sin of Adam, and for being born of Adam, you will suffer the flames of the Lake of Fire, an you will cease to exist an become ashes - unless you turn away from your old self and receive Christ as your second Adam - your Lord and Savior. fix your eyes upon Him and ask Him to save you.
Wait a minute, you can not throw me to the fire for what that idiot of Adam --blame Eve for it in any case-- did or did not do. On the other hand, I accept full responsibility for killing that roach. In my defense I may say it was on top of my table.
*Re the Original Sin*
You should have invited the roach to be your guest and join you at the
dinner table. By killing that roach you have committed an unforgivable sin.
Right, and God neither forgives nor forgets. We are still paying for Eve's mistake --all of us. That's divine justice. ;)
An Irish man confesses to the priest that he has committed a sin with a
woman. He did not exactly penetrate her, he said, but merely had done a
bit of rubbing. The priest tells him that rubbing is same as putting it
in and tells the Irish man to put $50 into the confessional box and that
his sin will be forgiven.
Anyway, on his way out the Irish chap takes out a $50 note carefully
from his wallet and is about to drop it into the box as the $50 note
touches the confessional box but he then changes his mind and puts the
$50 note back in his wallet.
The priest is upon him like a hawk. "I was following you! I saw you put
the $50 note back into your wallet!" he tells the Irishman.
But, retorted the Irishman, wasn't it you who told me just a moment ago
*that rubbing it is the same as putting it in* !
That's why I'm for going all the way. I'm lost for killing that roach anyway.