His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-01 15:12:14 UTC
Not Marxism or Maoism but pure blissful communism. What I mean by that is that there's no struggle, just voluntary submission to the will of God.
There are three things present in Heaven (wherever that might be) that point to communism as the only rational option:
1- No private property,
2- No work,
3- No class struggle,
This is like the most advanced stage of communism that was never reached in Russia and China, and that's because HUMANS ARE CORRUPT. Well, it's not they are corrupt just that they have needs outside the wishes of the leaders. The leaders are corrupt. But God being God, surrounded by angels and cherubins, could never be corrupt. People would not even wish for Capitalism.
It is Satan who's associated with Capitalism, or so we assume in a world where the Devil is said to rule. Don't ask me for a moral judgement, I don't like either system.
There are three things present in Heaven (wherever that might be) that point to communism as the only rational option:
1- No private property,
2- No work,
3- No class struggle,
This is like the most advanced stage of communism that was never reached in Russia and China, and that's because HUMANS ARE CORRUPT. Well, it's not they are corrupt just that they have needs outside the wishes of the leaders. The leaders are corrupt. But God being God, surrounded by angels and cherubins, could never be corrupt. People would not even wish for Capitalism.
It is Satan who's associated with Capitalism, or so we assume in a world where the Devil is said to rule. Don't ask me for a moral judgement, I don't like either system.