God is Communism
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-01 15:12:14 UTC
Not Marxism or Maoism but pure blissful communism. What I mean by that is that there's no struggle, just voluntary submission to the will of God.

There are three things present in Heaven (wherever that might be) that point to communism as the only rational option:

1- No private property,

2- No work,

3- No class struggle,

This is like the most advanced stage of communism that was never reached in Russia and China, and that's because HUMANS ARE CORRUPT. Well, it's not they are corrupt just that they have needs outside the wishes of the leaders. The leaders are corrupt. But God being God, surrounded by angels and cherubins, could never be corrupt. People would not even wish for Capitalism.

It is Satan who's associated with Capitalism, or so we assume in a world where the Devil is said to rule. Don't ask me for a moral judgement, I don't like either system.


His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-02 21:26:58 UTC
On Thu, 1 Aug 2013 08:08:01 -0700 (PDT)
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Not Marxism or Maoism but pure blissful communism. What I mean by
that is that there's no struggle, just voluntary submission to the
will of God.
There are three things present in Heaven (wherever that might be)
1- No private property,
2- No work,
3- No class struggle,
This is like the most advanced stage of communism that was never
reached in Russia and China, and that's because HUMANS ARE CORRUPT.
Well, it's not they are corrupt just that they have needs outside the
wishes of the leaders. The leaders are corrupt. But God being God,
surrounded by angels and cherubins, could never be corrupt. People
would not even wish for Capitalism.
It is Satan who's associated with Capitalism, or so we assume in a
world where the Devil is said to rule. Don't ask me for a moral
judgement, I don't like either system.
That was a great comparison. Thanks for sharing the perspective and
pointing out the choice of [some] followers to be enslaved to religious
Of course, there are those who are prisoners of religious ideals, so
I'm also glad you didn't exclude the possibility of a revolution.
I never say never. ;)

If we want to make paradise on this Earth, we must have a smart, nonviolent, practical, non authoritarian revolution. The issue with most democratic systems --not all-- is that they are closed to meaningful evolution, closing the path to smart ways to do things...


building bridges and communities. Respecting cyclists and pedestrians. The Law of the Jungle should be no more.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-03 02:19:52 UTC
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Not Marxism or Maoism but pure blissful communism. What I mean by that is that there's no struggle, just voluntary submission to the will of God.
1- No private property,
2- No work,
3- No class struggle,
Those three things are ABSENT.
Other forms of discrimination may be there though. There's an old hymn with the chorus
There will be no distinction there
There will be no distinction there
For we'll all be white
In that heavenly light
There will be no distinction there
Race is no issue in Heaven. God made the Universe so large that he can accommodate all the races up there. Each race may a galaxy of their own. He may even give a galaxy to each couple for them to multiply as commanded.

That's why the "Bible people" don't face the issue of overpopulation and avoid the subject of population control and management of resources, compounded by climate change. Sometime in the near future though there will be conflict between fiction and reality.

That's why we have to live reality and not fiction.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-03 23:14:18 UTC
The Russians tried it for 70 years and gave up. The Chinese tried it for 40 years and gave up on it.All of Eastern Europe and Asia have abandoned it except for those 2 holdouts.
No one has yet tried Marx's model of socialism.
WRONG.Marx wrote that the ideal socialist state will have to be developed in stages. The first stage will be a "dictatorship of the proletariat", which
is what the USSR attempted. They never got to the final stage of perfect socialism because of the economic hardship caused by the first stage.
Moreover, they discovered thru bitter experience that the proletariat(workers)
were not so gung ho for the process in the first place.That's why they needed
the KGB to suppress dissent.
In all likelihood the USSR was as close to Marxism as America is close to democracy.

Or the Christians as close to the Bible. IT'S ALL CORRUPT.

So long as there's no enforcement against corruption and waste, no system works. A MIXED SYSTEM WITH A STRONG COMMITMENT TO TRANSPARENCY WILL WORK. Both COMPETITION & COOPERATION are part of EVOLUTION and too much of either is bad, very bad.
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-08-03 15:55:17 UTC
They all try to be like God. In democracy religion is just a tool, or distraction, not a form of freedom.
That's not what Karl Marx gave as his reason for banning religion in his
theoretical socialist state.He said:Religion is the opium of the people, and it distracts them from the true path of happiness.He said elimination of religion
would put them on the path to their true happiness.His philosophy is called
"dialectical materialism".
Marx's outline sounds good in theory, but, experience has proven it does not
work in the real world.Of all the nations that tried socialism according to Marx's plan, all except 2 have abandoned it.Those are North Korea and Cuba.
The Russians tried it for 70 years and gave up. The Chinese tried it for 40 years and gave up on it.All of Eastern Europe and Asia have abandoned it except for those 2 holdouts.
We know that communism doesn't work, in part because it created a conflict with religion, in part because it restricted the human being and because the leaders were corrupt. We know that the Church's dogma doesn't work because it was equally corrupt and restrictive and because it was tried in the Middle Ages. And we know humanism works.

What makes you think communism will work in Heaven?