What is it that you want to know before WWIII?
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Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-10 13:34:24 UTC
Everyday you open Yahoo you see several articles about the upcoming world war, which means total annihilation in all likelihood. I'd imagine the Christians go "Hallelujah, Jesus is coming before the mushroom cloud!" The Free Spirits (who include the Atheists) would go something like "Stupid monkeys!"

I think I want to know that Nature made a mistake in giving us intelligence. Smart enough to invent gods and nuclear weapons, but not to care for our mother, I mean Mother Nature.

And that's my piece of wisdom for today. I'll go and open Yahoo now.


"The jungle has never been this much fun!"

59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-04-11 01:00:26 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Everyday you open Yahoo you see several articles about the upcoming world
war, which means total annihilation in all likelihood.
I was totally unaware, most likely because I never open Yahoo.
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
I'd imagine the Christians go "Hallelujah, Jesus is coming before the
mushroom cloud!"
That certainly should not concern you after the mushroom cloud, don't you think?
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
The Free Spirits (who include the Atheists) would go something like "Stupid
I imagine you might take offense to such remarks about monkeys, before the mushroom cloud.

I remember everything, warwise. I am warweary. I am content to know that the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and Pugwash are looking after things.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-11 09:07:38 UTC
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Everyday you open Yahoo you see several articles about the upcoming world
war, which means total annihilation in all likelihood.
I was totally unaware, most likely because I never open Yahoo.
I think you should. I have cut out the news but somehow you have to see the big picture every day.
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
I'd imagine the Christians go "Hallelujah, Jesus is coming before the
mushroom cloud!"
That certainly should not concern you after the mushroom cloud, don't you think?
No, it would give me a certain satisfaction to know WHY we are going down as species. Not that I rejoice in it, but life is pretty crappy and corrupt around here. Mind you, THE REVOLUTION IS COMING SOON.
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
The Free Spirits (who include the Atheists) would go something like "Stupid
I imagine you might take offense to such remarks about monkeys, before the mushroom cloud.
Oh no. I may call them "evil monkeys," but that would be worse.
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
I remember everything, warwise. I am warweary. I am content to know that the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and Pugwash are looking after things.
I don't think pussy peace organizations in Stockholm can stand up to the virility of war. Well, it would only be a split-second war for the lucky ones.

Not sure Jesus comes before or after the mushroom cloud.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-11 14:55:12 UTC
Yes, yes, Mother Nature has a mind and she doesn't turn the other cheek. She get's even with those who dismiss her. I know Miami Beach and the multibillion dollar real estate industry are in her sight for a cat 5 hurricane, but for the time being she's hitting hard California, Texas, Brazil...

"Four years into the historic drought in California, Gov. Jerry Brown announced mandatory water restrictions for the first time ever. The restrictions, laid out on April 1, ordered urban water use to be decreased by 25 percent.

Of what the water crisis in California means for the rest of the United States and the world, Brown said on This Week, "The weather that's happening in California ... [will] show up in other parts of the world. And I can tell you, from California, climate change is not a hoax. We're dealing with it and it's damned serious."

Many parts of the West and Southwest of the U.S. are experiencing severe droughts as well, especially Texas and Oklahoma. And in many other parts of the world, people are suffering from water shortages, such as Brazil, Iran and United Arab Emirates."



I like to call Mother Nature the Banana Goddess because the former sounds too serious. Yes, she's serious but I think she's a dancing goddess --not unlike Josephine Baker. There we go, we have a personification of a goddess. She reincarnates in sexy ladies to make us feel good. Right, Jesus just makes us feel bad. Jesus is like a pill for the afterlife, perhaps having a placebo effect, that's all.
High Miles
2015-04-11 16:18:56 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Yes, yes, Mother Nature has a mind and she doesn't turn the other cheek. She get's even with those who dismiss her. I know Miami Beach and the multibillion dollar real estate industry are in her sight for a cat 5 hurricane, but for the time being she's hitting hard California, Texas, Brazil...
"Four years into the historic drought in California, Gov. Jerry Brown announced mandatory water restrictions for the first time ever. The restrictions, laid out on April 1, ordered urban water use to be decreased by 25 percent.
Of what the water crisis in California means for the rest of the United States and the world, Brown said on This Week, "The weather that's happening in California ... [will] show up in other parts of the world. And I can tell you, from California, climate change is not a hoax. We're dealing with it and it's damned serious."
Many parts of the West and Southwest of the U.S. are experiencing severe droughts as well, especially Texas and Oklahoma. And in many other parts of the world, people are suffering from water shortages, such as Brazil, Iran and United Arab Emirates."
I like to call Mother Nature the Banana Goddess because the former sounds too serious. Yes, she's serious but I think she's a dancing goddess --not unlike Josephine Baker. There we go, we have a personification of a goddess. She reincarnates in sexy ladies to make us feel good. Right, Jesus just makes us feel bad. Jesus is like a pill for the afterlife, perhaps having a placebo effect, that's all.
But for some..................................it's all they have.
Or all they've been convinced they have. ;-)
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-11 23:00:53 UTC
Post by High Miles
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
I like to call Mother Nature the Banana Goddess because the former sounds too serious. Yes, she's serious but I think she's a dancing goddess --not unlike Josephine Baker. There we go, we have a personification of a goddess. She reincarnates in sexy ladies to make us feel good. Right, Jesus just makes us feel bad. Jesus is like a pill for the afterlife, perhaps having a placebo effect, that's all.
But for some..................................it's all they have.
Or all they've been convinced they have. ;-)
Well, that's the definition of PLACEBO: You have to believe in it. The issue is people are not really happy either. The live in this zombie status, hoping for some afterlife.