Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-03-16 18:21:19 UTC
The amazing answer is "never." But we should make the old feel proud and strong, social and fit. In order to do that we should change the system.
"Lead researcher Ali Mokdad said the reduction is largely thanks to aggressive efforts by city health officials to simply take away unhealthy choices from residents. The health department has, for example, banned trans fats, prohibited smoking in public spaces and hiked taxes on cigarettes. It has also rolled out hundreds of miles of new bicycle lanes, mandated the use of calorie labels on menus in chain restaurants and plastered posters up in subways with information about the risks of obesity and the benefits of preventive health services."
People in NYC are not sitting on their ass waiting for diseases and death to come to them. They go out, walk and socialize.
That's all part of my wisdom.
Wisdom starts by asking yourself "do I want to become that old?"
82 is the average in NY, not terribly old.
Bottom line is quality of life, keeping active and social, something possible in NY.
Two things we do NOT want:
1- Do something Hitler would do, and very importantly; 2- Keep the old driving.
We want them healthy and fit, social, not dangerous. We want them to know how dysfunctional their community is, something they ignore in Miami. Here the old are as corrupt as the politicians they put in place. We do not want that.
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"
El 15/03/15 a las 17:06, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
How about the fact that people live longer in New York?You would think people in Miami would be happier in Miami than New York, but that's not the case.
Have you a reference to that surprinsing data?"Lead researcher Ali Mokdad said the reduction is largely thanks to aggressive efforts by city health officials to simply take away unhealthy choices from residents. The health department has, for example, banned trans fats, prohibited smoking in public spaces and hiked taxes on cigarettes. It has also rolled out hundreds of miles of new bicycle lanes, mandated the use of calorie labels on menus in chain restaurants and plastered posters up in subways with information about the risks of obesity and the benefits of preventive health services."
People in NYC are not sitting on their ass waiting for diseases and death to come to them. They go out, walk and socialize.
That's all part of my wisdom.
Bottom line is quality of life, keeping active and social, something possible in NY.
1- Do something Hitler would do, and very importantly; 2- Keep the old driving.
We want them healthy and fit, social, not dangerous. We want them to know how dysfunctional their community is, something they ignore in Miami. Here the old are as corrupt as the politicians they put in place. We do not want that.
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"