Get help. Seriously.
.> God conceived you in his mind from all eternity. Long before your mother
.> conceived you in her womb, you were already thought of by God. However, I
.> guarantee his conception of you didn't include the rebelliousness against
.> his person which you now display.
God didn't see that part coming? He was blindsided,
utterly surprised?
I woudn't say surprised. Since God is omniscient, I believe he sees all
events from future, past and present in one single vision.
Or if he did see it coming, why didn't he tweak the design
a bit? Give us a bit less on the propensity-to-sin dial?
And yes, I do realize that we want to have free will,
but since, as your scripture observes: "...all have sinned",
then it's pretty clear that there is a one hundred percent
preprogrammed, guaranteed proclivity to sin built into the
basic design And that is hardly free will -- if we had
free will in that regard, then some significant percentage of the
108 billion who have ever lived would have chosen not to sin.
It may be tempting to say that a world without sin would be a better,
happier, more perfect world, and thus more worthy of God, than the
present one. However, the word of God presents a different vision, one
in which a world containing sin and suffering is actually better.
..> If Adam sins not and lives happily with Eve in the garden, there is no
.> growth of humanity. There is no progress. No enlightenment.
And if we had remained there, then there would have not been
the agony and torment experienced by the billions who suffered
privation, disease, starvation, killing and being killed, hating and
being the targets of hatred, dying young, dying of horrid diseases,
dying of torture at the hands of other happily less-than-perfect fellow
victims. And then of course, the eternal torments waiting for many
if not most of them after death, according to your Bible.
of evil.