Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-03-14 16:13:44 UTC
1- OVERPOPULATION (thank religion for that)
there is no real overpopulation. this is just propaganda to sterilize people against their well and through stealth.2- CLIMATE CHANGE (count on religion ignoring the issue)
used to be "global warming." changed to climate change because that's the new propaganda. gotta get more carbon taxes.3- PANDEMICS (thank modern mobility for that)
gotta have those bioweapons to get rid of people for 1.4- NUCLEAR/BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS (thank technology and predatory wars/terrorism)
I wouldn't panic about it but we must be aware of what's going on in the jungle. Perhaps it's time to have some shot of whiskey. The sinking of the Titanic is a great metaphor for the world. At no time people stopped dancing and drinking. However the iceberg was still out there.
gotta get rid of people for 1. the same people who want to lower population are the same people in charge of nukes and biological weapons. if you're worried about these why not go after the people in charge who believe in 1.I wouldn't panic about it but we must be aware of what's going on in the jungle. Perhaps it's time to have some shot of whiskey. The sinking of the Titanic is a great metaphor for the world. At no time people stopped dancing and drinking. However the iceberg was still out there.
Let me use mice for illustration:
You can only accommodate so many mice in a box (the "habitat"). Our habitat is getting crowded and the fight for resources is getting more desperate.
Now, how can you distrust the scientists who overwhelmingly believe in climate change? Why don't you distrust the science behind the doctors? Do you know mice are behind all those medical advances?
Thank mice for being alive. Yes, monkeys too. They are dying so you can live.
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"