Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherAnyone can have a nervous breakdown from the croaking. Here on the 12th floor, we can see the big picture. God made a mistake. Have you tried sleep to the humming sound of the mosquitoes?
I know the situation well, and it is unnerving lying in the dark, trying to defend yourself from aerial attack. But I should think you would be out of reach on the twelfth floor. Long ago I lived in the tropics in a third world country where there no glass windows because there was no air conditioning. First I lived in a rented room on the ground floor of a villa. I had a mosquito net, and I wondered how I might make a tent out of it. I found some metal rods lying on the floor and hoped I might create a usable support structure for the net. After some fumbling, I felt like an idiot when I realized that the rods were part of the bed and were designed to provide support for a mosquito net.
Later I moved to the second floor of an apartment building, where no mosquitoes ever entered my open windows. There were no buildings twelve stories high in the entire city.