But which came first? Driving a few hundred yards to the store or the lack of pedestrian provision? Cheap fuel? The school run?
We are the product of social engineering. There's little left to chance. Our masters decide if you walk or not. All they have to do is unleash the rage of the driver on the pedestrian and make pedestrian equivalent to monkey.
I suspect that if more people _wanted_ to walk (or cycle) facilities would improve. As it is the minority of walkers and cyclists mostly have beards and, hence, can be ignored.
It's not the way monkey society works. The alpha leaders set the rules and the others follow.
Amongst their other attractions cars are a kind of security blanket. We feel safer in our car. We have that piece of metal between us and the great unwashed. They are also an extension of the hand-bag, and one available to men too. And, for Americans, it's a place to carry your gun.
Once cities have little space to park many solutions appear. Public transportation is the most obvious choice, but it's EXPENSIVE & UNRELIABLE. The only free choices are walking and bicycling. The scooter is often a very practical option in crowded cities.
So if I were to face Jesus, I'd ask, "Hey, Jesus, your people have become lazy and fat. Is anyone following you?" And he would reply, "Sure, man, I have a herd of sheep that follow me everywhere. Humans have their own monkey mind."
I don't know how Jesus would have coped with a society where so many were affluent.
He would go and live in North Korea. ;)