What's the most incredible story of the Bible?
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Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-02-12 16:01:35 UTC
On Wed, 11 Feb 2015 01:57:36 -0800, Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble
Certainly Jesus is celebrated but his father --a man by the name of
Joseph or Joe-- was the ultimate gullible husband, a true saint by
Jesus must have been the gossip of the whole town of Nazareth,
attributing different paternity to this son of... Joseph, God or
Never mind other miracles attributed to Jesus. This was the ultimate
miracle. No other man ever has been born without the actual union of man
and woman. Never again.
As Mary supposedly remained a virgin for all her life, what does that tell
you about Joseph, hmmm ?
Is that what I'm thinking?
You know what, I think this is the most incredible story of the Bible.

"God chose of all women in the world a virgin... Virgin Mary."

I bet kids would rather question that. "Mom, what's a virgin? Are you virgin?"

(Very embarrassing moment)


"The jungle has never been this much fun!"

Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-02-12 22:25:07 UTC
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
You know what, I think this is the most incredible story of the Bible.
The most incredible story *of* the Bible is that so many people are
brainlessly guillible enough to believe it's actually real history,
rather than the reality of it simply being heavily edited, fictional
fairy stories.
Mind you, there are morons out there who believe Harry Potter is real
as well. :-\
I think that story was put there to test your capacity to believe anything. Once you believe in the Virgin Mary, you are ready for the rest.
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