Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
So that means the CO2 panting cyclists and pedestrians must give way to
the zero emission electric vehicles. ;-)
Actually it's somewhat the other way around. The small vehicle must
give way to the large one, especially when dealing with ships since big
ships are much harder to quickly stop or turn than a small tug boat or
rowing boat.
However the manufacturing that goes into the electric car would be too much. The electric bike is much preferred.
We should write our own 10 commandments, that would start like this:
1- The polluter gives way to the nonpolluter.
2- Human power is preferred over the internal combustion engine.
3- People have priority over corporations, such as big oil...
By the way, they came up with a new electric scooter in Taiwan that has a range of 60 miles. That sounds awesome.