Nature is not kind with the weak
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Free Spirit, Chief of Quixotic Enterprises
2015-04-27 18:01:35 UTC
Letting your enemy die in a hunger strike is the ultimate evil? Are you sure you know what you are talking, Wise Tibetan Monkey?
The IRA members basically wanted their status be that of political prisoners, but, my opinion, Thatcher wanted to conform to the image of "Iron Lady."
How we celebrate this image while we make Hitler look evil for being tough and inflexible is beyond me.
in 1982 Sinn Féin politician Danny Morrison described Thatcher as "the biggest bastard we have ever known".[140]
I just wanted to prove you wrong. Now, should I go walking or riding a bike into the concrete jungle? I think walking is slightly safer.
OK, I just changed my mind about taking a long walk. The sidewalk just "disappeared" under my feet. I thought it wasn't dignified enough for a man this wise.

Anyway, if you justify the death of hunger strikers, you must just justify the killing of Jesus. And you don't want to do that because the Christians will hate you.

Hunger strikes and peaceful resistance to authorities both qualify as forms of NONVIOLENCE. Jesus basically gave the finger to the Romans. "Yes, you can have my body, but not my soul," that was the message. And he was crucified. The Romans crushed the Jewish rebellion with brutality. Nature is not kind with the weak.

Hitler understood that and acted on it in an industrial scale. Thatcher would probably place Jesus in a mental hospital. No place for idealism. Try riding a bicycle.


"The jungle has never been this much fun!"

Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-28 14:19:36 UTC
What is weak may become strong with a change of the environment. The weaklings that were mammals survived whereas the strongest dinosaurs died out. Diversity is best.
Nature is merciless. She doesn't turn the other cheek. She can send an earthquake anytime.

Jesus is the hope of the weak. They forget that Jesus was pusyllanimus. His death was a challenge to the Romans but also an escape. Where is he now?
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-28 15:57:19 UTC
Those are the two great world views. The kindly Golden Rule of the Bible or the predatory cruelty of Darwin/Libertarianism.
If there are space aliens out there, they will adhere to one or the other.
I stand with the Golden Rule. Sure hope the aliens do.
Oh, the Golden Rule...

"Those with the gold rule."
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-28 22:36:43 UTC
Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
What is weak may become strong with a change of the environment. The weaklings that were mammals survived whereas the strongest dinosaurs died out. Diversity is best.
Nature is merciless. She doesn't turn the other cheek. She can send an earthquake anytime.
Jesus is the hope of the weak. They forget that Jesus was pusyllanimus. His death was a challenge to the Romans but also an escape. Where is he now?
bla bla bla bla bla bla or is it bloat ?
I can only present the question, not find his whereabouts.
That's a great mystery. But my point is well made. The mighty rule.
Jesus came to challenge the laws of nature but failed. His crucifixion is proof of it. Amen.
Nature is all inclusive. It even bleeps of your tiny bleeping brain of a
monkey :)
That's of little consolation for my riding a bicycle.

A chihuahua once killed a rottweiler. The rottweiler choked on it.
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-04-29 20:51:06 UTC
Nature can be merciless if one is not prepared to avoid it. In any event,
do not force against the force of nature.
You have to work with nature, not against nature. If you kill nature, she may come after you. ;)
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2015-05-01 17:52:19 UTC
HITLER was not a DEVIL .
Hitler was a normal human being
HITLER liked the CHINESE people .
HITLER helped Chinese army with Cash and Uniforms from Germany .
The most terrible crime Jesus committed that I can remember is killing a fig tree. I leave it up to you to judge, but in my humble opinion that is very bad.

The story goes that the tree wouldn't bear fruit and he made it die. Perhaps it was a crisis of him or something but killing a tree is something bizarre and despicable. We should make our planet more green, so that act of violence sends the wrong message.

We should launch a campaign to plant trees. I recommend that the unemployed of the world be assigned that task.
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