Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2014-11-01 16:13:46 UTC
Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
paying for it wants it to prove by using manipulated statistics, low
number of subjects, inaccurate and dubious tests, ignoring whatever
doesn't "fit", and misleadingly reporting the "findings".
Plus, another study always comes along to later "prove" the one before
it was wrong ... and the whole stupidity often keeps bouncing backwards
and forwards. One minute drinking wine id bad for you, then it's good
for you, then it's bad for you again, then ... believing in all these
crap studies is almost as idiotic as the fairytale nonsense the
religious nutters believe. :-\
And to prove that point about the sheer idiocy (as well as money and"While our work requires us to be mentally agile, most of us lead a
physically inactive lifestyle that can lead to a number of health problems.
Recent studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle can be more potentially
dangerous to our health than smoking. In a study recently carried out at the
University of Hong Kong, researchers found that 20% of deaths in people over
the age of 35 could be directly attributed to physical inactivity. That is
a higher percentage than death caused through smoking."
"Studies" are a load of garbage. They only ever "prove" what the personphysically inactive lifestyle that can lead to a number of health problems.
Recent studies have shown that a sedentary lifestyle can be more potentially
dangerous to our health than smoking. In a study recently carried out at the
University of Hong Kong, researchers found that 20% of deaths in people over
the age of 35 could be directly attributed to physical inactivity. That is
a higher percentage than death caused through smoking."
paying for it wants it to prove by using manipulated statistics, low
number of subjects, inaccurate and dubious tests, ignoring whatever
doesn't "fit", and misleadingly reporting the "findings".
Plus, another study always comes along to later "prove" the one before
it was wrong ... and the whole stupidity often keeps bouncing backwards
and forwards. One minute drinking wine id bad for you, then it's good
for you, then it's bad for you again, then ... believing in all these
crap studies is almost as idiotic as the fairytale nonsense the
religious nutters believe. :-\
time wasted) of silly "studies": there is an article in today's local
newspaper about another idiotic "study" that "proves" drinking milk, or
at least more than three glasses a day, is bad for you ... previously
of course the "experts" kept telling you that you should drink more
milk, and here in New Zealand they had started on resurrecting the old
system of free milk in schools for kids to drink. :-\
What would Jesus do? ;)
Neither milk nor the Bible are good for you.
"The jungle has never been this much fun!"