59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-03-31 19:42:26 UTC
As a child, I once heard Heaven and Hell described allegorically by a Baptist minister in a way that I found very pleasing. He described Hell as a large table filled with delicious foods, but the people seated at the table were all starving because their arms had become so long that there was no way they could reach their mouths to feed themselves. When we were shown Heaven, we were surprised to see exactly the same scene that we had seen in Hell. The only difference was in the people seated at the table, who were well fed. Their arms were also too long for them to feed themselves, so they fed one another instead.
Yes, I agree. That was a Utopian dream that did not take individual differences into account. Stop please! I'm allergic to broccoli.
Yes, I agree. That was a Utopian dream that did not take individual differences into account. Stop please! I'm allergic to broccoli.