His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-07-20 22:51:09 UTC
Because Eve was unsatisfied and was willing to try the "forbidden fruit" elsewhere.
I can not comprehend that two human beings, naked, without a job, without kids, in the Garden of Eden,* had much time left for adventures of any kind.
Ergo, something caught the attention of Eve.
*The Garden of Eden was found in what today is Iraq. And that is subject for debate just like the fact I propose today.
I can not comprehend that two human beings, naked, without a job, without kids, in the Garden of Eden,* had much time left for adventures of any kind.
Ergo, something caught the attention of Eve.
*The Garden of Eden was found in what today is Iraq. And that is subject for debate just like the fact I propose today.