Post by 59Fiat600 RossaPost by 59Fiat600 RossaThere is suppressed greatness in this cello concerto, Prokofiev had unrealized potential.
[Borodin Quartet] Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 8 in C minor Op. 110
Unsuppressed greatness breaks out here. String quartets are great to begin with, and the Borodin Quartet is greater yet. Unfortunately, Shostakovich stops to study his navel.
[Borodin Quartet] Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 2 in F major Op. 73
Oh dear. This piece is so familiar and so beloved that I can't tell whether it is even good.
Published on Apr 17, 2014
I. Allegretto
II. Moderato con moto
III. Allegro non troppo
IV. Adagio - attacca:
V. Moderato
Квартет имени Бородина,
Д. Шостакович,
Квартет №2 фа мажор, ор.73
TheMagicStrings 11 months ago
This is string quartet number 3!
jvdesuit1 11 months ago
exactly!the n° 2 is in A major op.68 you have the complete list and analysis here:
elgatosucio 10 months ago
It s nº 3. I almost have a heart attack !!!
Fiat600rossa 5 seconds ago
Шостакович is so quintessentially Шостакович that it's hard to tell one composition from another.