Prokofiev - Symphony-Concerto For Cello & Orchestra, Op.125
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59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-04-21 01:49:40 UTC
There is suppressed greatness in this cello concerto, Prokofiev had unrealized potential.
59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-04-21 02:06:13 UTC
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
There is suppressed greatness in this cello concerto, Prokofiev had unrealized potential.
[Borodin Quartet] Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 8 in C minor Op. 110

Unsuppressed greatness breaks out here. String quartets are great to begin with, and the Borodin Quartet is greater yet. Unfortunately, Shostakovich stops to study his navel.
59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-04-21 02:27:56 UTC
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
There is suppressed greatness in this cello concerto, Prokofiev had unrealized potential.
[Borodin Quartet] Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 8 in C minor Op. 110
Unsuppressed greatness breaks out here. String quartets are great to begin with, and the Borodin Quartet is greater yet. Unfortunately, Shostakovich stops to study his navel.
[Borodin Quartet] Dmitri Shostakovich - String Quartet No. 2 in F major Op. 73

Oh dear. This piece is so familiar and so beloved that I can't tell whether it is even good.

Published on Apr 17, 2014

I. Allegretto
II. Moderato con moto
III. Allegro non troppo
IV. Adagio - attacca:
V. Moderato

Квартет имени Бородина,
Д. Шостакович,
Квартет №2 фа мажор, ор.73

TheMagicStrings 11 months ago
This is string quartet number 3!

jvdesuit1 11 months ago
exactly!the n° 2 is in A major op.68 you have the complete list and analysis here: http://www.quartets.de/

elgatosucio 10 months ago
It s nº 3. I almost have a heart attack !!!

Fiat600rossa 5 seconds ago
Шостакович is so quintessentially Шостакович that it's hard to tell one composition from another.