What Do You Think of Yourself?
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59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-04-09 00:12:10 UTC
If you are a genuine senior, and not some immature senior impersonator, it's high time you sat yourself down and considered whether you harbor any grievances against yourself. How well have you treated yourself? Perhaps you could let up on yourself a bit and appreciate the things you've accomplished. Pour yourself a glass of wine, and be sure to say 'thanks'.

Consider, for example, how lucky you are to be alive. Consider the bastards who treated you like dirt. Don't you owe it to yourself to have a little revenge? Pour yourself another glass of wine, sit back and relax, and plan your revenge very carefully. There's no rush.
59Fiat600 Rossa
2015-04-09 01:07:18 UTC
Post by 59Fiat600 Rossa
Consider the bastards who treated you like dirt. Don't you owe it to yourself
to have a little revenge? Pour yourself another glass of wine, sit back and
relax, and plan your revenge very carefully. There's no rush.
Here is one particularly petty example of revenge. If you put a letter in an envelope, address the envelope and give your return address -- but fail to place a stamp on the envelope -- the Post Office will eventually return the envelope to you, undelivered, with a notice that postage must be paid. Thank you, Post Office, for providing us with a revenge weapon.

Now, for the sake of revenge, you can place a letter in an envelope, address the envelope to anyone you like, and give the return address of someone you definitely do not like. Take care to mail the envelope without a stamp. If all goes well, the undelivered letter will be 'returned' to the unliked 'sender' of the envelope, who will probably be very confused. The astonished 'sender' will undoubtedly open the envelope to see what the letter is about. You can easily find something on the Internet in Chinese and print it to create the mysterious letter.