Post by Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble PhilosopherI think you should be able to get married to anyone or anything
you want, including your dog, your horse, or a bunch of people.
Of course, that includes polygamy and legalizing threesomes and
On the other hand, it may be argued, why get married? I'm
married and I couldn't care less that she's alive or dead. I
mark the box that says "separated." Getting married means the
government sanctions your union, and perhaps because of it,
both institutions are equally dysfunctional.
Perhaps we should turn to Jesus for guidance. Did he ever get
married? Him and Mary Magdalene are said to have had a torrid
affair. Who cares, right?
Marriage ....
The US Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case, is a funda-
mental right, and responsibility, of consenting individuals.
In that light, it views marriage as a fundamental right that
must be recognized, not "sanctioned", by governments.
In particular it can't be *denied* by governments of states.
Family is an important institution in modern society. When a
spouse works, and the other one desires to stay home, he/she
must have spousal insurances (health, properties, etc.), and
retirement benefits. And when a spouse becomes sick or faces
death, the other one must have the powers to take all necess
-ary actions. A family is also the legal basis for children,
before they reach the legal age. When a child is sick and go
-es to a hospital for treatment, for example, one recognized
"parent" must sign a consent for his/her treatments. Similar
-ly, legally only a family can be allowed to adopt a child -
not two persons that are legally "unrecognized" and "unrelat
Legally, those are instituted by modern governments, through
family laws. The basis of family, is the recognized marriage
between two individuals. And the basis of a marriage are two
The responsibility to fulfill ....
Do gays qualify as a family or as an union in search of
recognition? It sounds likw recognition. And what is it
sacred about the number "two"? Why not polygamy?
Now my divorce costs me much more than my union. Why?
Is the government trying predation on us? There's no
property or valuables. I would support the union
expiring every 5 years if not renewed, not unlike a
driver's license.
Otherwise young people should live together for a long
time before taking the plunge. Beware of the trap!
No one ....
Is forcing anyone to get marry. It has to be between consent
-ing adults of legal age. Cohabitation is certainly a choice
for many. While marriage is an option for many who value re-
sponsibilities to each other. Which was previously denied by
many governments in the USA before yesterday's Supreme Court
landmark ruling.
Yesterday, it ruled that all states had to stop doing that.
Marriage, is a legal contract between two individuals. Which
is recognized in courts. And divorce is the annulment of the
contract. Which can be done at anytime and anywhere, between
two consenting adults who have a valid marriage contract. So
in that light, a timed contract is quite unnecessary. And it
makes things a bit less messy for forgetful couples.
Can one imagine all the extremely serious legal consequences
that follow, when one is bringing his/her child to the emerg
-ency room for treatment. Only to be informed that he/she is
not any longer a legal guardian of the child because his/her
marriage contract expired? How about when one's spouse died,
and the state confiscated his/her properties - leaving noth-
ing for the family because their timed marriage contract ex-
Many countries in the world, the Islamic ones in particular,
do recognize polygamy. However, it's unlikely that they have
equal rights conferred between man and women. And it's quite
unlikely that in those countries, one woman is allowed to be
marrying many men.
Moreover, the "head" woman, and the rest of the harem, quite
likely are accorded unequal rights. But one really has to ex
-amine the Sharia law carefully to understand exactly how it
Currently, the USA does not recognize polygamy - because the
US Supreme Court never had such constitutional challenge be-
fore it. Even if someone were to bring that to the court the
constitutional rights to individuals would be a very complex
issue. Because polygamy, by its very nature, appears to vio-
late the US Constitution. Since it appears to confer unequal
rights to all the individuals in the marriage contracts. So,
in that light, it would most likely be struck down by the US
Confers unequal rights to all individuals involved ....
I hope this means another nail in God's coffin. He was definitely
OK with polygamy but staunchly opposed to homosexuals.
Many conceptual confusions ....
In just two simple sentences. Firstly, it's not at all clear
that God is a "He", a "She" or an "It". Secondly, one should
-ligion's views on marriage. The former it is law and rights
It is not clear that "God" "definitely is OK" with polygamy.
For one thing, except for a small tribe in S. China, this hu
where else in the world. And in the Bible, it's always a man
with many wives. For the Chinese tribe all properties belong
er. Her husbands have to work, and live in a separate house.
age. This is not unlike a tribe of elephants. Which is matri
his "God" is opposed to homosexuals.
Let alone doing so "staunchly" .... :)
Albert K. Fung
Rancho del Canto, Paso Robles, California.