You can't even afford to get sick, then Obama came
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His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-04 18:45:50 UTC
OK, this is a debate that turned from happiness to healthcare. Can you be happy without healthcare? How about if you sit on your ass and pray for health? We know it doesn't happen that way. You must go out there, walk, ride a bike, go hiking to prevent sickness, aka "PREVENTION IS THE BEST MEDICINE." I made this point to a doctor the other day (very much opposed to Obamacare), and he granted me that while saying America has the "best healthcare in the world"... Anyway he blamed the lawyers for all our problems. I don't love the lawyers, but I don't think they can be the scapegoats for everything. Well, the point is that if healthcare should be affordable or be the big industry that it is. Why is Obama our only hope?



At least his ramblings are in the off topic forum so they are properly placed.

Gated neighborhoods are for rich & Famous people who don't want to be bothered by regular people taking photos on their lawn or trying to meet them. These people 'trapped behind the gates' actually see more of the planet than you are I..if you ever pick up a magazine you'll see some celebrity going to some exotic location for a vacation, photo shoot, trip of a lifetime, etc.

Gated communities are popular in S. America to keep the criminals out, that's pretty much it. Not because we live in Deserts (Cities?).

3rd world country? Please visit one before you say that about America..let me know when you can't drink the tap water in America (Mexico), can't kiss your girlfriend in public (Dubai/Saudi Arabia), can't be openly gay (most of the world), go to hospitals covered in Rat feces (India), etc.

Seriously, these threads should just be locked after a few ramblings...I think its just to get a higher post count?



If you shut up any comments outside the mainstream (the vocal ones, the powerful ones --never the dishwasher) you may be ignoring the other side of the world. Yes, the rich may go safari in Africa and have fun killing rhinos, but they may ignore the jungle going on right here.

And nowadays I just jump to the many international forums and say it anyway. At least here you have a fair chance to defend yourself. And, possibly, just possibly things will get fixed in a smart way.

I grant you that life here may be better than in Mexico, but it doesn't seem to be anywhere as good as in Europe, Canada or Japan. To begin with, you can't even afford to get sick.


His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-05 16:53:41 UTC
Obama came and gave us the opportunity to hope for healthcare, that's what he did. Before there was no hope.

And the poor, it seems, must have a hope, whether it's in Heaven or in Obamacare. I don't think that was the best path but it seems the Republicans offered nothing. Think about it: Heaven is nothing too.

Imagine you are riding a bike, get crushed by a car, and then you find the guy in Heaven. What would you do?
His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-05 17:42:11 UTC
Post by His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
OK, this is a debate that turned from happiness to healthcare. Can you be happy without healthcare? How about if you sit on your ass and pray for health? We know it doesn't happen that way. You must go out there, walk, ride a bike, go hiking to prevent sickness, aka "PREVENTION IS THE BEST MEDICINE." I made this point to a doctor the other day (very much opposed to Obamacare), and he granted me that while saying America has the "best healthcare in the world"... Anyway he blamed the lawyers for all our problems. I don't love the lawyers, but I don't think they can be the scapegoats for everything. Well, the point is that if healthcare should be affordable or be the big industry that it is. Why is Obama our only hope?
How did Dolly Parton get two black eyes? She went jogging.
I think I get it now: Dolly was wearing blue contacts and it fell off while bouncing with the jogging.

I wonder how those boobs managed all that bumping. How did God manage to make such wonderful breasts without a lustful thought?

I would have created a Dolly Parton --if I were God-- all to myself. And let Adam out of the picture. He was a pussy anyway. No character, just did what Eve said.

Now, going back to the subject, how are mammograms handled by Obamacare?

Yes, they are fully covered...

His Highness the Wise TibetanMonkey, Most Humble Philosopher
2013-10-07 15:50:53 UTC
I quote here from a smart young lady who says what many professional politicians and lawyers won't tell you:

Krissy Valley Jordan ยท Mitchell High School
Whatever, at least I might make it on a wait list instead of not having a chance at all. I work two jobs and go to school so I pay my taxes, but I can't get a break for health insurance. You guys just stay way up on your pedestals, and when you fall you better just die so that the system you despise won't have to take care of you. Tired of you hypocrites who won't help a soul unless they're right in front of you, and a cameraman on the side ready to see your good deeds. Let you fall on hard times, you think your families want to go into debt to take care of you, and wouldn't that be a social service, regardless? You are a bunch of fear mongers. OUR government is WE the PEOPLE, mostly the lower to middle class and we are tired of suffering, watching the rich afford healthcare and the indigent receive it off our backs and we get nothing.



The wise do listen.
